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Single-account Reference Architecture

Single-account Reference Architecture

End-to-end tech stack designed to deploy into a single AWS account. Includes VPCs, EKS, ALBs, CI / CD, monitoring, alerting, VPN, DNS, and more.

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How To Deploy A Docker Service

This guide walks you through deploying a dockerized app to the EKS cluster running in your Reference Architecture in AWS.

The App

Let's say you have an app that you want to deploy. For this guide, we'll use a simple Node.js app as an example, but the same principles can be applied to any app:

const express = require('express');

// Constants
const PORT = 8080;
const HOST = '';

// App
const app = express();
app.get('/simple-web-app', (req, res) => {
  res.send('Hello world\n');

app.listen(PORT, HOST);
console.log(`Running on http://${HOST}:${PORT}`);

That's it! It's a classic express "Hello World" starter app that listens for requests on port 8080. For this example walkthrough, save this file as server.js.

Since we need to pull in the dependencies to run this app, we will also need a corresponding package.json:

  "name": "docker_web_app",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "main": "server.js",
  "scripts": {
    "start": "node server.js"
  "dependencies": {
    "express": "^4.16.1"


In order to deploy the app on EKS, we need to dockerize the app. If you are not familiar with the basics of docker, we recommend you check out our "Crash Course on Docker and Packer" from the Gruntwork Training Library.

For this guide, we will use the following Dockerfile to package our app into a container.

FROM node:8

# Create app directory
WORKDIR /usr/app

COPY package*.json ./

RUN npm install
COPY . .

CMD [ "npm", "start" ]

The folder structure of our sample app looks like this:

├── server.js
├── Dockerfile
└── package.json

Your actual app will definitely be way more complicated than this but the main point to take from here, is that we need to ensure our docker image is configured to EXPOSE the port that our app is going to need for external communication. See examples of how to dockerize many popular app formats.

To build this a docker image from the Dockerfile, run:

$ docker build -t simple-web-app:latest .

Now we can test our container to see if it is working:

$ docker run --rm -p 8080:8080 simple-web-app:latest

This starts the newly built container and links port 8080 on your machine to the container's port 8080. You should see output like below when you run this command:

> docker_web_app@1.0.0 start /usr/app
> node server.js

Running on

You should now be able to hit the app by opening localhost:8080 in your browser. Try it out to verify you get the "Hello world" message from the server.

Some things to note when writing up your Dockerfile and building your app:

  • Ensure your Dockerfile starts your app in the foreground so the container doesn't shutdown after app startup.
  • Your app should log to stdout/stderr to aid in debugging it after deployment to AWS

Publishing your docker image

Once you've verified that you can build your app's docker image without any errors, the next step is to publish those images to an ECR repo. The ECR repos exists in your main account.

Go to this file and add the desired repository name of your app to the repo_names list. For the purposes of our example, let's call ours simple-web-app. Next, authenticate to the main account and run the following command:

$ terragrunt apply

The command should create an ECR repo with the name you specified in the main account. Each repo in ECR has a URL of the format <ACCOUNT_ID>.dkr.ecr.<REGION><REPO_NAME>. So for the main account with ID 087285199408, an ECR repo in us-east-1, and an app called simple-web-app, you can publish your local docker image to the newly created repo as follows:

$ docker tag simple-web-app:latest

Finally, authenticate your docker client with Amazon ECR

eval $(aws ecr get-login --region "us-east-1" --no-include-email --registry-ids "087285199408")

and push your newly tagged image to publish it:

$ docker push

Deploying to a cluster

Now that you have the docker image of your app published, the next step is to deploy it to your EKS Cluster that was set up as part of your reference architecture deployment.

The first step is to create a folder with your app name in the services folder for each of your environments (i.e. dev, stage, prod) in infrastructure-live. For example, for the main environment, we'd create a simple-web-app folder under main/us-east-1/main/services. Next, you can copy over the contents of the sample-app terragrunt.hcl so we have something to start with.

$ cp -r ~/source/infrastructure-live-acme/main/us-east-1/main/services/sample-app-frontend-acme ~/source/infrastructure-live-acme/main/us-east-1/main/services/simple-web-app

Still in the simple-web-app folder, open the terragrunt.hcl file and update the following parameters:

Service Configuration

  • Set service_name to your desired name. In our case we'll just set it to simple-web-app-{env}. Where {env} is the environment we're currently in.
  • Set image to the repo url of the just published docker image. In our case,
  • Set desired_number_of_pods to the number of tasks of your app you want EKS to spawn. Let's set ours to 2.
  • Set container_port to the port your container exposes. In our case, 8080.

Ingress Configuration

When deployed, the actual containers are run as Pods on the EKS cluster, which are scheduled to the worker nodes. Within the cluster, services can communicate with each other using the Service endpoints which are automatically provisioned by the underlying terraform modules. However, these endpoints are not accessible outside of the cluster.

You can use Ingress resources to expose your Service to be accessible outside of Kubernetes. Ingress resources manage and configure AWS ALBs that eventually lead to the Service endpoint. These resources are configured by the module using the ingress_config input variable.

For example, to expose an ALB that maps the path /simple-web-app to our Service, you can set the ingress_config variable to:

ingress_config = {
    path = "/simple-web-app"

This will create an Ingress resource for the simple-web-app that will map to an ALB in our environment. This ALB will expose port 80 and forward any requests that hit the path /simple-web-app to our container on the port we defined in container_port, which is 8080.

You can query the Ingress endpoint using kubectl once the app is deployed:

kubectl get ingresses \
    -l "," \
    -o jsonpath \
    --template '{.items[0].status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].hostname}'

This will output the Ingress endpoint to the console. You should then be able to hit it to reach your deployed app - i.e. http://$INGRESS_ENDPOINT/simple-web-app.

Route 53 Domain Records

Your EKS cluster is deployed with external-dns installed. This will automatically map hostnames configured on the Ingress resource to existing Route 53 Hosted Zones to link the domain name to the provisioned ALBs.

For example, to make the simple-web-app available under the domain, you can set the ingress_config to be:

ingress_config = {
    path = "/"
    host = ""

When applied, this will not only provision the ALB, but also create a new subdomain record for simple-web-app for the corresponding Route 53 Hosted Zone for the domain to map to the new ALB.

TLS configuration

The cluster will also autodiscover any ACM TLS certificates that support the chosen domain. For example, the Reference Architecture comes with ACM TLS certificates for all subdomains of the domain names used for the sample app frontend in each environment. This means that if you use any subdomain on those host names for the Route 53 record, the corresponding ACM certificates will be automatically associated with the ALB. This also works for private domain names as well, provided that you create the ACM certificates and Route 53 Hosted Zones.

Note that for TLS to function properly, you need to set the ingress_listener_ports to accept HTTPS:

ingress_listener_ports = [
        HTTPS = 443

Deploying your configuration

The above are the minimum set of configurations that you need to deploy the app. You can take a look here for more options.

Once you've verified that everything looks fine, run:

$ terragrunt apply

This will apply your configuration to the cluster and deploy your app.

Monitoring your deployment progress

Due to the asynchronous nature of Kubernetes deployments, a successful terragrunt apply does not always mean your app was deployed successfully. There are several resources that need to rollout in Kubernetes before your application is available:

  • The Pods associated with the Deployment.
  • The ALB that fulfills the Ingress endpoint (if applicable).
  • The DNS record that maps to the Ingress endpoint (if applicable).

Once terragrunt apply completes, you can use kubectl to monitor the status of the rollout.

Monitoring Deployment rollout

Deployment resources define controllers in Kubernetes that ensure the state of the cluster matches the desired state as described in the manifest. This is handled asynchronously after the changes have been applied to the manifest configuration. You can use the rollout status command of kubectl to watch and wait for the rollout to complete:

# First get the name of the deployment object
DEPLOYMENT_NAME=$(kubectl get deployments \
    -l "," \
    --all-namespaces \
    -o jsonpath \
    --template '{.items[0]}')
# Then, wait for the rollout to complete
kubectl rollout status deployment/"$DEPLOYMENT_NAME" -w

This will print out the status of the rollout in the context of how many Pods have been launched using the current configuration. The command will only finish if the rollout completes successfully.

A completed rollout indicates that all the Pods associated with the Deployment has been successfully started, and that they all reach the Ready status. This indicates that the Pods can start serving traffic (if they are network services), or can begin running workloads (if they are backend task workers).

Monitoring Ingress endpoints

A successful rollout for a Deployment indicates the Pods are ready to accept traffic, but it does not mean that all the endpoints have been allocated. The endpoint to access the service is managed by the Ingress resource. The Ingress resource is then materialized into ALBs by the ALB Ingress controller that is deployed on to your EKS cluster. Unfortunately, since the endpoint is backed by an actual Load Balancer in the cloud, it takes time for it to be provisioned after the resource is created.

You can use kubergrunt to monitor and wait for the Ingress endpoint to be provisioned, similar to the Deployment. In order to monitor the Ingress endpoint, we need to know two things:

  • The name of the Ingress resource. The Ingress resource is named by combining the helm release name and the application name. Our module uses the application name for both, so in this case will be named simple-web-app-simple-web-app.
  • The Namespace where the Ingress resource is deployed. For this example, we used the applications Namespace to deploy our app.
kubergrunt k8s wait-for-ingress \
    --namespace "$INGRESS_NAMESPACE" \
    --ingress-name "$INGRESS_NAME"

This command will continuously monitor the Ingress resource until the ALB is provisioned and the endpoint is updated on the resource. Note that this command will time out after 5 minutes. You can configure the timeout settings using the --max-retries and --sleep-between-retries CLI args.

If the command successfully completes, then the Ingress endpoint is provisioned and attached to the resource. You can query the endpoint by looking up the Ingress resource:

kubectl describe ingress "$INGRESS_NAME" -n "$INGRESS_NAMESPACE"

This will list out the endpoints and attached host rules of the Ingress resource. If you used a path based Ingress configuration without hosts, you should be able to hit the endpoint directly to access the service.

For host based Ingress configuration, the Route 53 DNS records need to be updated to point to the Ingress endpoint, so that the routing works. The EKS cluster in the reference architecture is deployed with the external-dns application, which will automatically update the records. In this setup, you should be able to hit the hostname to access the service without having to do anything else.

Searching for the Ingress Resource

If you happen to not know the name or Namespace of the Ingress resource, you can look it up using kubectl. There are multiple approaches to filter down the resources. For example, you can start by listing out all Ingress resources in the cluster:

kubectl get ingresses --all-namespaces

Then, narrow down your search by using the list of names and Namespaces as a clue. You can get more information about a particular Ingress resource given its name and Namespace:

kubectl describe ingress "$INGRESS_NAME" -n "$INGRESS_NAMESPACE"

You can also use labels to search for the Ingress resource. For example, if you know the application name that you deployed, you can search for all Ingress resources that are labeled with that application name:

kubectl get ingresses \
    -l "" \

Debugging errors

Sometimes, things don't go as planned. And when that happens, it's always beneficial to know how to locate the source of the problem. There are two places you can look for information about a failed Pod.

Using kubectl

By now you should be familiar with the kubectl CLI, and how powerful it is. You can use kubectl to investigate problems with your Pods.

The first step is to obtain the metadata and status of the Pods. To lookup information about a Pod, retrieve them using kubectl:

kubectl get pods \
    -l "," \

This will list out all the associated Pods with the deployment you just made. Note that this will show you a minimal set of information about the Pod. However, this is a useful way to quickly scan the scope of the damage:

  • How many Pods are available? Are all of them failing or just a small few?
  • Are the Pods in a crash loop? Have they booted up successfully?
  • Are the Pods passing health checks?

Once you can locate your failing Pods, you can dig deeper by using describe pod to get more information about a single Pod. To do this, you will first need to obtain the Namespace and name for the Pod. This information should be available in the previous command. Using that information, you can run:

kubectl describe pod $POD_NAME -n $POD_NAMESPACE

to output the detailed information. This includes the event logs, which indicate additional information about any failures that has happened to the Pod.

Most cluster level issues (e.g if there is not enough capacity to schedule the Pod) can be triaged with this information. However, if there are issues booting up the Pod or if the problems lie in your application code, you will need to dig into the logs.

CloudWatch Logs

By default, all the container logs from a Pod (stdout and stderr) are sent to CloudWatch Logs. This is ideal for debugging situations where the container starts successfully but the service doesn't work as expected. Let's assume our simple-web-app containers started successfully (which they did!) but for some reason our requests to those containers are timing out or returning wrong content.

  1. Go to the "Logs" section of the Cloudwatch Management Console and look for the name of the EKS cluster in the table.

  2. Clicking it should take you to a new page that displays a list of entries. Each of these correspond to a Pod in the cluster, and contain the Pod name. Look for the one that corresponds to the failing Pod and click it.

  3. You should be presented with a real-time log stream of the container. If your app logs to STDOUT, its logs will show up here. You can export the logs and analyze it in your preferred tool or use CloudWatch Log Insights to query the logs directly in the AWS web console.

Next steps

Next up, you'll learn how to migrate your apps to the Reference Architecture.

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