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Multi-account Reference Architecture

Multi-account Reference Architecture

End-to-end tech stack designed to deploy into multiple AWS accounts. Includes VPCs, EKS, ALBs, CI / CD, monitoring, alerting, VPN, DNS, and more.

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Undeploying the Reference Architecture

Sometimes, you'll need to undeploy some or all of the environments in the Reference Architecture. This is a guide on how to do that.

  1. Before you get started
  2. Pre-requisite: force_destroy on S3 buckets
  3. Pre-requisite: disable Terragrunt prevent_destroy
  4. Pre-requisite: understand module dependencies
  5. Undeploying a single module
  6. Undeploying multiple modules or an entire environment
  7. Removing the terraform state
  8. Known errors
  9. Next steps

Before you get started

Terraform makes it fairly easy to delete resources using the destroy command. This is very useful in testing and pre-prod environments, but can also be dangerous in production environments, because if you delete resources, there is no undo. Therefore, be extra sure and careful with where you run destroy so you don't accidentally end up deleting something you'll very much regret (e.g., a production database). Also, as explained in the rest of this guide, we put a few features in place that make deletion harder (read: a bit more annoying to do) to prevent you from accidentally shooting yourself in the foot.

Pre-requisite: force_destroy on S3 buckets

By default, if your Terraform code includes an S3 bucket, when you run terraform destroy, if that bucket contains any content, Terraform will not delete the bucket and instead will give you an error like this:

bucketNotEmpty: The bucket you tried to delete is not empty. You must delete all versions in the bucket.

This is a safety mechanism to ensure that you don't accidentally delete your data.

If you are absolutely sure you want to delete the contents of an S3 bucket (remember, there's no undo!!!), all the modules that use S3 buckets expose a force_destroy setting that you can set to true in your terragrunt.hcl files to tell that module to delete the contents of the bucket when you run destroy. Here's a partial list of modules that expose this variable (note, you may not have all of these in your Reference Architecture!):

  • networking/alb
  • mgmt/openvpn-server
  • security/cloudtrail
  • services/asg-service
  • services/ecs-service
  • services/static-website
  • data-stores/zookeeper
  • lambda/s3-image-processing

Pre-requisite: disable Terragrunt prevent_destroy

Terragrunt supports a prevent_destroy flag that you can set to true in your terragrunt.hcl to protect valuable resources from accidental deletion (e.g., your database and VPC). By default, we have prevent_destroy set on a few modules in the prod environment (namely, the production data stores and VPCs). If you run terragrunt destroy on a module with this setting, Terragrunt will simply log a warning and exit without deleting anything.

If you are absolutely sure you want to run destroy on this module (remember, there's no undo!), you'll need to set prevent_destroy = false in the corresponding terragrunt.hcl file.

Important exception: for multi-account deployments, we set prevent_destroy = true on the iam-cross-account module. This module creates the IAM Roles you use to authenticate to an AWS account, so you should NOT set prevent_destroy = false on this module and do NOT run destroy on it, or you'll be locked out of the account!

Pre-requisite: understand module dependencies

Important note: some of your Terraform modules may depend on other ones! For example, most modules depend on the vpc module, fetching information about the VPC using either the terraform_remote_state or aws_vpc data source. If you run destroy on your vpc before the modules that depend on it, then any command you try to run on those other modules will fail, as their data sources will no longer be able to fetch the VPC info!

Therefore, you should only destroy a module if you're sure no other module depends on it! Terraform does not provide an easy way to track these sorts of dependencies. Your best bet is to manually track your dependencies using the dependencies feature of Terragrunt and to only undeploy modules that don't appear in the dependencies list of any other deployed module.

Undeploying a single module

Now that all the pre-requisites are out of the way, if you are absolutely sure you want to run destroy on a single module (remember, there's no undo!), just go into that module's folder and run terragrunt destroy. For example, to undeploy the sample-app-frontend service in the stage environment, you'd run:

cd stage/us-east-1/stage/services/sample-app-frontend
terragrunt destroy

Undeploying multiple modules or an entire environment

If you are absolutely sure you want to run destroy on multiple modules or an entire environment (remember, there's no undo!), you can use the destroy-all command. For example, to undeploy the entire staging environment, you'd run:

cd stage
terragrunt destroy-all

Terragrunt will then run terragrunt destroy in each subfolder of the current working directory, processing them in reverse order based on the dependencies you define in the terragrunt.hcl files.

To avoid interactive prompts from Terragrunt (use very carefully!!), add the --terragrunt-non-interactive flag:

cd stage
terragrunt destroy-all --terragrunt-non-interactive

To undeploy everything except a couple specific subfolders, add the --terragrunt-exclude-dir flag. For example, to run destroy in each subfolder of the stage environment except MySQL and Redis, you'd run:

cd stage
terragrunt destroy-all \
    --terragrunt-exclude-dir stage/us-east-1/stage/data-stores/mysql \ 
    --terragrunt-exclude-dir stage/us-east-1/stage/data-stores/redis 

Removing the terraform state

NOTE: Deleting state means that you lose the ability to manage your current terraform resources! Be sure to only delete once you have confirmed all resources are destroyed.

Once all the resources for an environment have been destroyed, you can remove the state objects managed by terragrunt. The reference architecture manages state for each environment in an S3 bucket in each environment's AWS account. Additionally, to prevent concurrent access to the state, it also utilizes a DynamoDB table to manage locks.

To delete the state objects, login to the console and look for the S3 bucket in the environment you wish to undeploy. It should begin with acme-multi-account and end with terraform-state. Also look for a DynamoDB table named terraform-locks. You can safely remove both once you have confirmed all the resources have been destroyed successfully.

Known errors

There are a few reasons your call to destroy may fail:

  1. Terraform bugs: Terraform has a couple bugs (18197 and 17862) that may give the following error when you run destroy:

    variable "xxx" is nil, but no error was reported

    This usually happens when the module already had destroy called on it previously and you re-run destroy. In this case, your best bet is to skip over that module with the --terragrunt-exclude-dir (as shown in the previous) section.

  2. Missing dependencies: If you delete modules in the wrong order, as discussed in the Pre-requisite: understand module dependencies section, then when you try to destroy on a module that's missing one of its dependencies, you'll get an error about a data source being unable to find the data it's looking for. Unfortunately, there are no good solutions in this scenario, just a few nasty workarounds:

    1. Run apply to temporarily bring back the dependencies.
    2. Update the code to temporarily remove the dependencies and replace them with some mock data.

Next steps

Now that you know how to undeploy the Reference Architecture, let's take a look at how to add a new environment, region, or account to the Reference Architecture.

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