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EC2 Kubernetes Service (EKS) Cluster

EC2 Kubernetes Service (EKS) Cluster

Deploy a Kubernetes cluster on top of Amazon EC2 Kubernetes Service (EKS).

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EKS K8S Role Mapping Module

This Module can be used to manage the mapping of AWS IAM roles and users to Kubernetes RBAC groups for finer grained access control of your EKS Cluster.

This Module only manages the mapping between IAM roles and Kubernetes RBAC groups. This Module does not create, modify, or configure either roles. We recommend managing them in a separate Terraform template in the context of your needs, that are then provided as inputs to this module.

How do you use this module?

What is Kubernetes Role Based Access Control (RBAC)?

Role Based Access Control (RBAC) is a method to regulate access to resources based on the role that individual users assume in an organization. Kubernetes allows you to define roles in the system that individual users inherit, and explicitly grant permissions to resources within the system to those roles. The Control Plane will then honor those permissions when accessing the resources on Kubernetes through clients such as kubectl. When combined with namespaces, you can implement sophisticated control schemes that limit the access of resources across the roles in your organization.

The RBAC system is managed using ClusterRole and ClusterRoleBinding resources (or Role and RoleBinding resources if restricting to a single namespace). The ClusterRole (or Role) object defines a role in the Kubernetes system that has explicit permissions on what it can and cannot do. These roles are then bound to users and groups using the ClusterRoleBinding (or RoleBinding) resource. An important thing to note here is that you do not explicitly create users and groups using RBAC, and instead rely on the authentication system to implicitly create these entities.

You can refer to the example scenarios below for an example of this in action.

Refer to the official documentation for more information.

What is an AWS IAM role?

AWS IAM role is AWS's implementation of RBAC. Users and clients authenticate to AWS to assume an IAM role, that then have a set of permissions that grant or deny access to various resources within AWS. Unlike users, IAM roles do not have long standing credentials associated with them. Instead, a user uses the AWS API to assume a role, which will issue temporary credentials that can be used to access the AWS resources as the assumed role. Like the roles in Kubernetes RBAC implementation, you can configure the roles to have as much or as little permissions as necessary when accessing resources in the AWS system.

This Module provides code for you to manage the mapping between AWS IAM roles and Kubernetes RBAC roles so that you can maintain a consistent set of mappings between the two systems. This works hand in hand with the EKS authentication system, providing the information to Kubernetes to resolve the user to the right RBAC group based on the provided IAM role credentials.


Restricting specific actions

Suppose that you are setting up your EKS cluster for your organization that has an ops team and a dev team. Suppose further that your organization would like to restrict access to your dev team so that they can only list and update existing Pods, but can not create new ones, while the ops team is able to manage all resources in your Kubernetes cluster.

To support this, we need to first define the roles in Kubernetes that map to the explicit permissions granted to each team. For the ops team in Kubernetes, since we want to grant them admin level privileges on the cluster, we can use the default system:admin group that will already obtain those permissions. For the dev group however, there is no default group and role that fits our needs, so we need to define a new ClusterRole and bind it to the dev group. To do this, we will first define the ClusterRole resource using the RBAC API:

# dev-role.yml
kind: ClusterRole
  name: dev
- apiGroups: [""]
  resources: ["pods"]
  verbs: ["get", "list", "update"]

This creates a new role dev that allows the role to get, list, and update Pods in any namespace in the cluster. We can apply this on the cluster using kubectl:

kubectl apply -f dev-role.yml

We then need to bind this to the dev group using a ClusterRoleMapping resource:

# dev-role-binding.yml
kind: ClusterRoleBinding
  name: bind-dev
  kind: ClusterRole
  name: dev
- kind: Group
  name: dev

This config binds the ClusterRole named dev to the Group named dev. Like the ClusterRole config, we can apply this on the cluster using kubectl:

kubectl apply -f dev-role-binding.yml

Now that we have the two roles and bindings in the system, we need some way for users in the ops and dev teams to inherit the roles. This is done implicitly by mapping their authentication credentials to their respective groups. In EKS, authentication is handled by IAM, which means that we need to tell Kubernetes to map their IAM credentials to their respective groups. We will use this Module to do exactly that.

This Module takes as input a mapping between IAM roles and RBAC groups as part of the iam_role_to_rbac_group_mapping input variable. In this example, we will assume that members of the ops team access the cluster by assuming the ops IAM role and members of the dev team access the cluster by assuming the dev IAM role, so we will map these to their respective groups in Kubernetes:

module "eks_k8s_role_mapping" {
    eks_worker_iam_role_arn = ""

    iam_role_to_rbac_group_mappings = "${
            "arn:aws:iam::555555555555:role/dev", list("dev"),
            "arn:aws:iam::555555555555:role/ops", list("system:admin"),

When you terraform apply the above code, the Module will configure Kubernetes to resolve the provided AWS IAM roles to the specified RBAC groups when fulfilling client requests. In this case, any kubectl authentications using the dev IAM role will resolve to the dev Kubernetes RBAC group, while any authentications using the ops IAM role will resolve to the system:admin Kubernetes RBAC group. The dev team will then implicitly inherit the dev ClusterRole based on the ClusterRoleBinding that binds that role to the dev group.

Important: Note that we did not need to define the dev group explicitly in Kubernetes. This is automatically handled by the authentication system. In Kubernetes, the group is implicitly defined as part of defining a user entity that can map to it. As such, it is important to take care to avoid typos here to ensure that the string you use for the group here matches any groups referenced in the role bindings.

Restricting by namespace

In this example, suppose that you are setting up a dev EKS cluster for your dev team that is organized into multiple subteams working on different products. In this scenario, you want to give members of the dev team full access to deploy and manage their applications, including deleting resources. However, you may want to implement controls so that teams can only manage their own resources, and not others' resources.

To support this, you would use Kubernetes namespaces to partition your Kubernetes cluster. Namespaces allow you to divide your resources into logical groups on the cluster. By utilizing namespaces, you can grant teams full access to resources launched in their own namespace, but restrict access to resources in other namespaces.

To implement this on your EKS cluster, you would first need to create namespaces for each team. For this example, we will assume there are two dev teams in the organization: api and backend. So we will create a namespace for each team:

# namespaces.yml
kind: Namespace
apiVersion: v1
  name: apiteam
    name: apiteam
kind: Namespace
apiVersion: v1
  name: backendteam
    name: backendteam

This will create two namespaces: one named apiteam and one named backendteam. We can apply this on the cluster using kubectl:

kubectl apply -f namespaces.yml

Next, we need to create RBAC roles in Kubernetes that grant access to each of the namespaces, but not others. To do this we will rely on the Role resource, instead of the ClusterRole resource because we want to scope the permissions to a particular namespace:

# roles.yml
kind: Role
  name: apiteam-full-access
  namespace: apiteam
- apiGroups: ["", "extensions", "apps"]
  resources: ["*"]
  verbs: ["*"]
kind: Role
  name: backendteam-full-access
  namespace: backendteam
- apiGroups: ["", "extensions", "apps"]
  resources: ["*"]
  verbs: ["*"]

This will create two roles in the Kubernetes cluster: apiteam-full-access and backendteam-full-access, each giving full access to all resources in the respective namespaces. Like the YAML file for the namespaces, you can apply this on the cluster using kubectl:

kubectl apply -f roles.yml

To allow authenticating entities to be able to inherit these roles, we need to map these to a group. We can do that by defining RoleBinding resources:

# role-bindings.yml
kind: RoleBinding
  name: bind-apiteam
  namespace: apiteam
  kind: Role
  name: apiteam-full-access
- kind: Group
  name: apiteam
kind: RoleBinding
  name: bind-backendteam
  namespace: backendteam
  kind: Role
  name: backendteam-full-access
- kind: Group
  name: backendteam

These two resources bind the apiteam to the apiteam-full-access role and the backendteam to the backendteam-full-access role so that any client that maps to those groups will inherit the right permissions. We can apply this to the cluster using kubectl:

kubectl apply -f role-bindings.yml

Now that we have the namespaces, the roles, and the bindings in the system, we need to create the AWS IAM roles that map to each team and tell Kubernetes to map the AWS IAM role to the proper RBAC role when authenticating the client. We will assume that the IAM roles already exist (named ApiDeveloper and BackendDeveloper). To map the IAM roles to the RBAC groups, we will use this Module. This Module takes as input a mapping between IAM roles and RBAC roles as part of the iam_role_to_rbac_group_mapping input variable:

module "eks_k8s_role_mapping" {
    eks_worker_iam_role_arn = ""

    iam_role_to_rbac_group_mappings = "${
            "arn:aws:iam::555555555555:role/ApiDeveloper", list("apiteam"),
            "arn:aws:iam::555555555555:role/BackendDeveloper", list("backendteam"),

When you terraform apply the above code, the Module will configure Kubernetes to resolve the provided AWS IAM roles to the specified RBAC groups when fulfilling client requests. In this case, any kubectl authentications using the ApiDeveloper IAM role will resolve to the apiteam Kubernetes RBAC group, while any authentications using the BackendDeveloper IAM role will resolve to the backendteam Kubernetes RBAC group. In this way, the developers who authenticate as ApiDeveloper will only be able to access the apiteam namespace in the Kubernetes cluster, while the developers who authenticate as BackendDeveloper will only be able to access the backendteam namespace.

Important: Note that we did not need to define the apiteam and backendteam group explicitly in Kubernetes. This is automatically handled by the authentication system. In Kubernetes, the group is implicitly defined as part of defining a user entity that can map to it. As such, it is important to take care to avoid typos here to ensure that the string you use for the group here matches any groups referenced in the role bindings.

Why not use a Helm Chart?

This Module cannot be implemented as a helm chart due to the functionality of the ConfigMap being generated here. In EKS, the worker nodes also use an IAM role to authenticate against the EKS Control Plane. As such, the worker nodes rely on the mapping from the aws-auth ConfigMap generated by this module to be able to successfully register to the EKS cluster as a worker node.

To use Helm, the Kubernetes cluster must be running the Tiller (Helm Server) Pods on the cluster. However, to run the Tiller Pods, the cluster must have worker nodes online and available. As such, we have a chicken and egg situation, where to use Helm we need to have worker nodes, which need the aws-auth ConfigMap, which needs Helm.

To avoid this cyclic dependency, we implement this module using the kubernetes provider which will use kubectl under the hood. The cluster requirement for a working kubectl is the EKS control plane, which will be available without the ConfigMap and as such does not have the cyclic dependency problem of Helm.

aws-auth ConfigMap Generator Binary

The aws-auth ConfigMap requires two string entries: mapRoles, which defines the mapping of IAM roles to Kubernetes RBAC roles, and mapUsers, which defines the mapping of IAM users to Kubernetes RBAC roles. Both entries in the ConfigMap need to be defined as a YAML string for EKS to parse correctly.

There are inherent challenges in the Terraform syntax that make it difficult to generate this YAML. Specifically, the need to have a nested loop to generate the groups entry for each IAM role/user mapping. Therefore, to have better flexibility in generating the YAML entries, we resort to using a python binary to handle the YAML generation based on the Terraform inputs to this module.

NOTE: When Terraform 0.12 lands, there will be richer syntax including for loops and complex map types that will support the generation of the YAML using pure Terraform. This binary will be replaced with a pure Terraform version when 0.12 is released.

The operator machine must have a valid python interpreter available in the PATH under the name python. The binary supports python versions 2.7, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, and 3.8, on Mac OSX or Linux.


The binary is intended to be used as part of a Terraform external data source. As such, the script will read JSON data from stdin and output JSON data to stdout.

See this module's file for example usage.

Building the binary

The binary is a python executable that includes the necessary third party requirements. This special version of python embeds cross platform versions of the requirements that are unpacked at runtime into a virtualenv. This executable is then used to call out to the entrypoint script, which will import the library function.

As such, the binary only needs to be built when the requirements change. You do not need to rebuild the binary for any changes to the source files in the aws_auth_configmap_generator library.

This approach is taken so that consumers of the module do not need to install additional third party libraries on top of python to utilize the script. To make this work, the pex binaries need to be checked into the repository so that they are distributed with the module.

The binary is generated using the pex utility. Pex will package the python script with all its requirements into a single binary, that can be made to be compatible with multiple versions of python and multiple OS platforms.

To build the binary, you will need the following:

  • A working python environment with all compatible versions of python setup (so that you can build binaries for all versions)
  • tox and pex installed (use pip install -r dev_requirements.txt)

You can then build the binary using the helper script which will build the binary and copy it to the bin directory for distribution. After that, you just need to check in the updated binaries.

It is recommended to use pyenv to help setup an environment with multiple python interpreters. The latest binaries are built with the following python environment:

pyenv shell 2.7.15 3.5.2 3.6.6 3.7.0 3.8.1

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