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Deploy a Couchbase cluster. Supports automatic bootstrapping, Sync Gateway, Web Console UI, cross-region replication, and auto healing.

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Couchbase Cluster

This folder contains a Terraform module to deploy a Couchbase cluster in AWS on top of an Auto Scaling Group. This module can be used to deploy any or all of the Couchbase services (data, search, index, query) or Sync Gateway. The idea is to create an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) that has Couchbase and/or Sync Gateway installed using the install-couchbase-server and/or install-sync-gateway modules.

How do you use this module?

This folder defines a Terraform module, which you can use in your code by adding a module configuration and setting its source parameter to URL of this folder:

module "couchbase_cluster" {
  # TODO: replace <VERSION> with the latest version from the releases page:
  source = "<VERSION>"

  # Specify the ID of the Couchbase AMI. You should build this using the scripts in the install-couchbase-server and/or 
  # install-sync-gateway modules.
  ami_id = "ami-abcd1234"
  # Configure and start Couchbase during boot. 
  user_data = <<-EOF
              /opt/couchbase/bin/run-couchbase-server --username admin --password password
  # ... See for the other parameters you must define for the couchbase-cluster module

Note the following parameters:

  • source: Use this parameter to specify the URL of the couchbase-cluster module. The double slash (//) is intentional and required. Terraform uses it to specify subfolders within a Git repo (see module sources). The ref parameter specifies a specific Git tag in this repo. That way, instead of using the latest version of this module from the master branch, which will change every time you run Terraform, you're using a fixed version of the repo.

  • ami_id: Use this parameter to specify the ID of a Couchbase Amazon Machine Image (AMI) to deploy on each server in the cluster. You should install Couchbase and/or Sync Gateway in this AMI using the scripts in the install-couchbase-server and/or install-sync-gateway modules.

  • user_data: Use this parameter to specify a User Data script that each server will run during boot. This is where you can use the run-couchbase-server and/or run-sync-gateway scripts to configure and run Couchbase and/or Sync Gateway.

You can find the other parameters in

Check out the examples folder for fully-working sample code.

How do you connect to the Couchbase cluster?

Connecting to Sync Gateway

We recommend deploying a load balancer in front of Sync Gateway using the load-balancer module. If you do that, the module will output the DNS name of the load balancer, and you can connect to that URL to connect to the Sync Gateway.

For replication with Couchbase Lite and other external clients, you should connect to the REST API (default port 4984). For unrestricted access to the database and administrative tasks, you should connect to the admin UI (default port 4985, though it's typically only accessible from localhost, as it provides admin access to everything in the DB!).

Connecting to the Couchbase Server Web Console

We recommend deploying a load balancer in front of your Couchbase Servers using the load-balancer module. If you do that, the module will output the DNS name of the load balancer, and you can connect to that URL to connect to access the Couchbase Web Console at the /ui path.

Connecting to Couchbase Server via the SDK

Using a Load Balancer to talk to Couchbase APIs (e.g., via an SDK) is NOT recommended (see the Couchbase FAQ for more info), so you will need to get the IPs of the individual servers and connect to them directly. Since those servers run in an Auto Scaling Group (ASG) where servers can be added/replaced/removed at any time, you can't get their IP addresses from Terraform. Instead, you'll need to look up the IPs using the AWS APIs.

The easiest way to do that is to use the AWS SDK to look up the servers using EC2 Tags. Each server deployed by the couchbase-cluster module has its Name and aws:autoscaling:groupName tag set to the value you pass in via the cluster_name parameter. You can also specify custom tags via the tags parameter. You can use the AWS SDK to find the IPs of all servers with those tags.

For example, using the AWS CLI, you can get the IPs for servers in us-east-1 with the tag Name=couchbase-example as follows:

aws ec2 describe-instances \
    --region "us-east-1" \
    --filter \
      "Name=tag:Name,Values=couchbase-example" \

This will return a bunch of JSON that contains the IPs of the servers. You can then use the Couchbase SDK for your programming language to connect to these IPs. See the Network Configuration documentation to see what ports different Couchbase services use.

What's included in this module?

This module creates the following:

Auto Scaling Group

This module runs Couchbase on top of an Auto Scaling Group (ASG). Typically, you should run the ASG with multiple Instances spread across multiple Availability Zones. Each of the EC2 Instances should be running an AMI that has Couchbase and/or Sync Gateway installed via the install-couchbase-server and/or install-sync-gateway modules. You pass in the ID of the AMI to run using the ami_id input parameter.

EBS Volumes

This module can optionally create an EBS volume for each EC2 Instance in the ASG. You can use these volume to store Couchbase data. As explained in the documentation, we recommend using two EBS Volumes, one for the Couchbase data dir and one for the index dir.

Security Group

Each EC2 Instance in the ASG has a Security Group that allows minimal connectivity:

  • All outbound requests
  • Inbound SSH access from the CIDR blocks and security groups you specify

The Security Group ID is exported as an output variable which you can use with the couchbase-server-security-group-rules and sync-gateway-security-group-rules modules to open up all the ports necessary for Couchbase and Sync Gateway.

Check out the Security section for more details.

IAM Role and Permissions

Each EC2 Instance in the ASG has an IAM Role attached. The IAM Role ARN and ID are exported as output variables if you need to add additional permissions.

How do you roll out updates?

If you want to deploy a new version of Couchbase across the cluster, the best way to do that is to:

  1. Rolling deploy:

    1. Build a new AMI.
    2. Set the ami_id parameter to the ID of the new AMI.
    3. Run terraform apply.
    4. This updates the Launch Configuration of the ASG, so any new Instances in the ASG will have your new AMI, but it does NOT actually deploy those new instances. You'll have to force the ASG to update the instances as follows.
    5. Remove one of the old nodes from the cluster (docs).
    6. Terminate the corresponding EC2 Instance.
    7. The ASG will automatically launch a replacement EC2 Instance after a minute with the new code.
    8. Wait for the replacement node to join the cluster and catch up on replication.
    9. Repeat steps 5-7 for the remaining nodes.
  2. New cluster:

    1. Build a new AMI.
    2. Create a totally new ASG using the couchbase-cluster module with the ami_id set to the new AMI, but all other parameters the same as the old cluster.
    3. Wait for all the nodes in the new ASG to join the cluster and catch up on replication.
    4. Remove each of the nodes from the old cluster (docs).
    5. Remove the old ASG by removing that couchbase-cluster module from your code.

We may add a script in the future to automate this process (PRs are welcome!).


Here are some of the main security considerations to keep in mind when using this module:

  1. Encryption in transit
  2. Encryption at rest
  3. Dedicated instances
  4. Security groups
  5. SSH access

Encryption in transit

Couchbase can encrypt all of its network traffic. For instructions on enabling network encryption, have a look at the encryption on the wire documentation.

Encryption at rest

The EC2 Instances in the cluster can store their data in one of two locations:

  • An EBS Volume, if you enable it with this module. Set the ebs_volume_encrypted parameter to true to enable encryption for the EBS volume.

  • The root volume. To encrypt the root volume, you must encrypt your AMI. If you're creating the AMI using Packer (e.g. as shown in the couchbase-ami example), you need to set the encrypt_boot parameter to true.

Dedicated instances

If you wish to use dedicated instances, you can set the tenancy parameter to "dedicated" in this module.

Security groups

This module attaches a security group to each EC2 Instance that allows inbound requests as follows:

  • SSH: For the SSH port (default: 22), you can use the allowed_ssh_cidr_blocks parameter to control the list of
    CIDR blocks that will be allowed access. You can use the allowed_inbound_ssh_security_group_ids parameter to control the list of source Security Groups that will be allowed access.

The ID of the security group is exported as an output variable, which you can use with the couchbase-server-security-group-rules and sync-gateway-security-group-rules modules to open up all the ports necessary for Couchbase and Sync Gateway.

SSH access

You can associate an EC2 Key Pair with each of the EC2 Instances in this cluster by specifying the Key Pair's name in the ssh_key_name variable. If you don't want to associate a Key Pair with these servers, set ssh_key_name to an empty string.

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