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Single-account Reference Architecture

Single-account Reference Architecture

End-to-end tech stack designed to deploy into a single AWS account. Includes VPCs, EKS, ALBs, CI / CD, monitoring, alerting, VPN, DNS, and more.

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Now that you understand how the Reference Architecture works, the next step is to begin migrating your apps to it. The process we recommend is as follows:

  1. Do the migration incrementally
  2. Set up account access
  3. Deploy your apps
  4. Migrate your data stores
  5. Configure monitoring and alerting
  6. Test
  7. Switch over DNS

Do the migration incrementally

Most "big bang" migrations—where you try to pick up everything and move it over to a new cloud (AWS), new tools (Terraform, Docker, Packer), and new processes (CI, CD, DevOps), all in one huge step—almost always fail. The only way to succeed at a big migration is to do it incrementally. Note that "incrementally" doesn't mean you just chop up the work into small parts; it means you chop it up into small parts so that each part is worth doing, even if the other parts never happen.

If the only value you get from the migration is at the very end of a long process (and lets be honest, migrations always take longer than you expect), then there's a good chance management will lose patience, developers will get frustrated, funding for the project will be cut, corners will be cut, and the project will be a disaster.

Therefore, you want to arrange the work so that you can complete one small piece at a time and get value out of that piece immediately. That way, management stays happy, developers stay motivated, and the project is worth doing, even if the end of the migration is still a long ways off.

You'll find a number of suggestions in this document on how to do the migration incrementally. The short version is:

  1. Migrate one or a small number of apps.
  2. Allow the apps to keep using the data stores and other dependencies in your original data center via a VPN connection.
  3. Test.
  4. Once things are working, switch over the DNS config to point to the apps running in AWS.
  5. Repeat the previous steps with the rest of your apps.
  6. Once all apps have been migrated, begin migrating your data stores.

Read on for the long version!

Set up account access

The first step to migrating to the Reference Architecture is to make sure everyone on your team has access to your AWS accounts. This consists of the following items:

  1. Security primer
  2. Root user
  3. IAM users
  4. IAM groups
  5. SSH access
  6. VPN access

Security primer

We strongly recommend that everyone on your team reads through the following:

  1. Gruntwork Security Best Practices, doc, which covers critical concepts such as how to securely store secrets, how to lock down servers, and how to securely use AWS.
  2. A Comprehensive Guide to Authenticating to AWS on the Command Line, which covers all the basics of AWS auth, including all the different options for how to authenticate on the CLI.

Root user

Each of your AWS accounts has a root user. Whoever created the account should have access to the root user. If you created the account using the gruntwork CLI or AWS Organizations, then you will know the email address associated with the root user, but not the password. To get the password:

  1. Go to the AWS Console
  2. If you had previously signed into some other AWS account, click "Sign-in using root account credentials."
  3. Enter the email address and click "Forgot your password" to reset the password.
  4. Check the email address associated with the root user account for a link you can use to create a new password.

Please note that the root user account can do just about anything in your AWS account, bypassing almost all security restrictions you put in place, so you need to take extra care with protecting this account. We very strongly recommend that you:

  1. Use a strong password. Preferably 30+ characters, randomly generated, and stored in a secrets manager.
  2. Enable Multi-Factor Auth for the root user.
  3. Only use the root user to create an IAM User for yourself and then switch to the IAM User for all other operations thereafter. You should NOT use the root user account on a day-to-day basis; it's there only for very rare circumstances (e.g., if you get locked out of your IAM User account).

IAM users

You should create an IAM User for each developer. The Reference Architecture enforces a password policy: see the iam-user-password-policy module in infrastructure-live-acme for the details. We also strongly recommend requiring every developer to enable multi-factor auth for their IAM users.

IAM groups

Give each IAM User permissions by adding them to the appropriate IAM Groups. The following IAM Groups may be of especial interest (see the iam-groups module for a more complete list):

  1. full-access: This gives full admin privileges within this AWS account. Use this only for a small number of trusted admins.
  2. read-only: This gives read-only access within this AWS account. This is especially useful for production accounts where you want to be able to debug, but not necessarily make changes.
  3. openvpn-users: This allows users to use openvpn-admin to request VPN certificates in this AWS account. See SSH and VPN for more info.
  4. ssh-grunt-users: Users in this group will be able to access servers via SSH. See SSH and VPN for more info.
  5. ssh-grunt-sudo-users: Users in this group will be able to access servers via SSH with sudo permissions. See SSH and VPN for more info.

SSH Access

We have configured ssh-grunt on every EC2 Instance, so developers will be able to SSH to the servers using their own usernames and SSH keys. See SSH and VPN for instructions.

VPN Access

All the EC2 Instances run in private subnets, so to access them, you must first connect via VPN. See SSH and VPN for instructions.

Note that if you are migrating to AWS from some other data center, you may also want to set up VPN access back to that data center. See How to connect your data center to AWS and Setting Up an AWS VPN Connection for instructions.

This will involve setting up Virtual Private Gateway, and you will need to configure the VPCs to propagate routes for these Gateways using the private_propagating_vgws and persistence_propagating_vgws variables.

Deploy your apps

Once account access is set up, the next step is to migrate your apps—or even just a single app—to the Reference Architecture, while continuing to use whatever data stores and other dependencies you already have deployed in your old data center (e.g., via a VPN connection). Once you can get one app running in AWS successfully, you can use it as a template to move over the others, getting value from the migration right away (i.e., more security, scalability, etc) without having to wait weeks or months to move everything over (incrementalism!).

To move over an app, you'll need to do the steps listed below. The Reference Architecture includes two sample apps (sample-app-frontend-acme and sample-app-backend-acme) that show how to implement all of these steps, so use them as a reference!

Note that you do NOT need to do all of these steps at once! You can take care of just a few of them, deploy the app into the Reference Architecture, see that some basic things work, move on to the next few steps, and so on.

  1. Package the app
  2. Add a health check endpoint
  3. Update the load balancer config
  4. Set up config files for each environment
  5. Encrypt secrets
  6. Configure schema migrations
  7. Configure service discovery
  8. Set up static content
  9. Configure CI and CD

Package the app

To deploy into the Reference Architecture, you will need to package your app using one of the following tools:

  1. Packer: If you are deploying your apps directly on EC2 Instances, use Packer to package your apps as Amazon Machine Images.

  2. Docker: If you are deploying your apps as Docker containers, create a Dockerfile to package your app as a Docker image.

See the sample-app-frontend-acme and sample-app-backend-acme repos for examples.

Add a health check endpoint

Each app should expose a health check endpoint (e.g., /health) that the load balancer can use to see if the app is running and ready to receive requests. The health check endpoint should return a 200 OK when the app is healthy. The definition of "healthy" depends on the app; for some apps, healthy might mean the app has booted; for others, healthy may mean the app has booted, can talk to databases, and has warmed up its cache.

Update the load balancer config

Now that your app is packaged and has a health check endpoint, you can try deploying it! The sample apps are deployed via Terraform code in the infrastructure-live-acme repo, under the services folder (e.g., stage/services/sample-app-frontend-acme). Make a copy of that folder and customize the terragrunt.hcl file within it to deploy your app instead. This will include specifying which paths in the load balancer your app should claim.

This is because the Reference Architecture uses a single Application Load Balancer (ALB) for several apps in each environment, and each of those apps can claim certain paths (e.g., /foo goes to app foo, /bar goes to app bar) and/or certain domain names (e.g., goes to app foo, goes to app bar). If you want your app to handle all paths, you can use regular expressions (e.g., *).

Set up config files for each environment

If your app needs to be configured differently in each environment (e.g., in stage and prod), we recommend creating config files for each environment, checking those configs into version control, and packaging them with the app. That way, config is updated, versioned, tested, and deployed exactly like the rest of your code. This tends to be easier to reason about and far less error prone than storing configs externally (e.g., in a DB).

The sample apps use JSON files for config, but any format supported by your apps will be fine, so long as it is file-based. See the config folder in the sample apps for an example, and check out the bin/ script for how the sample apps select the proper config file for the current environment.

Encrypt secrets

If your apps need access to secrets, such as the password to a database, we recommend encrypting those secrets with KMS and adding the ciphertext to your config files. Your apps can then use IAM Roles to decrypt the secrets just before booting.

See encrypt a secret for instructions.

Configure schema migrations

If your apps talk to a relational database, you will need a way to evolve the database schema over time. The best way to do that is to use a schema migration tool such as Flyway or Liquibase to define the schema migrations as code, check that code into version control, package it with your apps, and have your apps apply the schema migrations just before booting (Flyway and Liquibase will use locks to ensure there are no concurrency issues).

See the sql folder and bin/ of sample-app-backend-acme for an example.

Configure service discovery

If you need to run multiple apps ("microservices") that talk to each other, those apps will need a way to discover each other's IP and port. In the dynamic world of AWS, IPs and ports change all the time, so you don't want to hard code them. Instead, use one of the following options:

  1. Use an internal load balancer. Each of your apps can register at a different path with the load balancer, and each app gets the load balancer domain name as an environment variable (via Terraform), so, for example, you can talk to app foo by sending a request to <LOAD_BALANCER_DOMAIN_NAME>/foo and to app bar by sending a request to <LOAD_BALANCER_DOMAIN_NAME>/bar. This is how sample-app-frontend-acme talks to sample-app-backend-acme.

  2. For Docker containers running in ECS, you can use ECS Service Discovery. As of May, 2018, Gruntwork has not yet added support for this, but it should be added to the ECS modules soon.

  3. Use a tool such as Consul. This does require running extra infrastructure, which is made easier via the Gruntwork Consul module (not currently part of the Reference Architecture).

Set up static content

The best way to serve CSS, JS, images, and fonts is by putting them in an S3 bucket and using CloudFront as a CDN in front of it. Your Reference Architecture may already contain an example of this under the services/static-website folder. Your CloudFront distribution will have its own domain name (e.g., static.<your-company>.com), so you'll need to ensure that any code of yours that links to static content (e.g., server-side rendered HTML) makes it possible to configure a different static content domain name in each environment.

Configure CI and CD

The sample apps have Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD) configured for them. A CI job will run after every commit to build, test, and package the apps, and, for certain commits (e.g., to specific branches or with specific tags), the CI job will automatically deploy the app to stage or prod.

See Build, tests, and deployment (CI/CD) and the sample app repos for details on how to set up the same CI/CD workflow for your real apps.

Migrate your data stores

Once you have your apps running in AWS, the next step is to migrate the data stores they depend on. We again recommend doing this incrementally, moving over one data store at a time, if possible. There are two ways to move over your data stores:

  1. Take a downtime
  2. Do a zero-downtime migration

Option #2 typically takes 100x longer (this is NOT an exaggeration) than option #1 and has a much higher risk of data loss or data corruption. If at all possible, we very strongly recommend taking a brief downtime to do the migration, as it will make your life much easier.

A few guidelines about migrating data stores:

  1. Migrating from another AWS-managed data store
  2. Migrating from external data stores
  3. If you absolutely must do a zero-downtime migration

Migrating from another AWS-managed data store

If you are migrating to the Reference Architecture from another AWS account, and in that account you are using an AWS-managed data store such as RDS or ElastiCache, the migration process (with downtime!) is:

  1. Put your app in read-only mode or take a downtime.
  2. Use the built-in snapshotting mechanism to take a snapshot of the data store (e.g., RDS snapshots or ElastiCache snapshots).
  3. Share the snapshot with the prod account where the Reference Architecture is deployed (e.g., see Sharing a DB Snapshot).
  4. Deploy a new data store in the Reference Architecture account from the snapshot (e.g., set the snapshot_identifier parameter in the rds module).
  5. Bring your app back up.

Migrating from external data stores

If you are migrating data stores from non-AWS managed systems (e.g., from your own data center), the process is the same as in the previous section, except instead of using the snapshotting mechanism built into AWS, you will need to use one of these mechanisms instead:

  1. Use the AWS database migration service to migrate relational databases.
  2. Use a mechanism supported by RDS and your database, such as restoring MySQL into RDS using Percona XtraBackup.
  3. Use your data store's native snapshot functionality (e.g., mysqldump) to make a backup of your database, copy the backup into AWS (e.g., into an S3 bucket), and fire up an EC2 Instance that connects to the data store and loads the backup into it.

Note that all of these assume at least some amount of downtime!

If you absolutely must do a zero-downtime migration

If you absolutely cannot take any downtime whatsoever (unlikely, as you most likely have unplanned outages anyway!), things get a lot more complicated. The typical strategy is:

  1. Take an initial snapshot of your data store and load it into AWS. The idea is to move most of the data over early on and then "catch up" whatever new data is written in the following steps.
  2. Find a way to send all new writes to both your original data store and the new one in AWS.
  3. Once the new data store has "caught up", start using it directly instead of the old database.

Step #2 is the tricky one, as dual writes are notoriously error prone. For example, what happens if the process doing dual writes succeeds with the first write, but crashes before the second? What if it sends the requests to both data stores, but one of them is temporarily down? What if both requests make it to the data stores, but then a transaction gets rolled back? See why dual writes are a bad idea for more info.

The most common solutions to these problems are:

  1. Use a change capture system. This is a system that effectively replicates your data store's underlying log: you write to the original data store, and if this write has succeeded and been committed, it triggers an "event" in the change capture system, which an event processor then writes to the second data store. For example, see databus and bottledwater-pg.

  2. Send all writes initially to a log system such as Apache Kafka. You then have one Kafka consumer that writes the messages to your original data store and another that writes it to the new data store. Kafka guarantees at-least once delivery, so as long as the database writes are idempotent, this ensures no data will be lost.

Whatever option you go with, we strongly recommend adding "integrity checking" to verify no data was lost or corrupted. Some example integrity checks:

  1. Count the number of rows in each table and make sure they are identical in both data stores.
  2. Perform a checksum or hash on all the data in a table (or some randomly selected subset if there's too much data) and make sure you get identical values in both data stores.

Configure monitoring and alerting

Once your apps and data stores are working, you'll want to make sure you have the following monitoring and alerting in place:

  1. Metrics
  2. Alerts
  3. Logs


Make sure all the metrics you expect show up in CloudWatch. All AWS services automatically send metrics to CloudWatch and the Reference Architecture includes a few important ones that are not available by default (e.g., memory and disk space usage on EC2 Instances). Create Dashboards for the most important metrics, such as CPU usage in your ECS cluster or request count in the ALB.

Note that the Reference Architecture uses CloudWatch for metrics as it's built-into AWS, very inexpensive, and requires very little work to maintain. However, the CloudWatch UI is fairly basic, so if you need more powerful tools for slicing and dicing your metrics, consider tools such as DataDog, New Relic, or Prometheus. If you'd like help with this, please reach out to


Configure alerts to go off for key metrics. All the services in the Reference Architecture have basic alarms configured directly in the Terraform code, such as low disk space alarms on RDS DBs and high CPU usage alarms for the ECS cluster. All of the Terraform modules allow you to tweak the settings for these alarms (e.g., should the CPU usage alarm go off at 80% or 90%?), so take some time to go through each module in infrastructure-modules-acme and make sure the settings match your use cases so you don't have too many false positives or negatives.


The logs from all servers get automatically sent to CloudWatch Logs. The scripts in infrastructure-modules-acme call (from the cloudwatch-log-aggregation-scripts module) to configure which log files get sent to CloudWatch. By default, syslog is sent to CloudWatch on every server, and ECS Services are configured to send their logs to syslog. Make sure you can find the logs for your apps there before you go live!

Note that the Reference Architecture uses CloudWatch Logs as it's built-into AWS, very inexpensive, and requires very little work to maintain. However, the CloudWatch UI is fairly basic, so if you need more powerful tools for slicing and dicing your log data, consider tools such as ELK (as of May, 2018, the ELK support is under development in the package-elk repo and should be ready soon), Loggly, and Papertrail. If you'd like help with this, please reach out to


As you go through the process of migrating your apps and data stores, you should continuously be testing your infrastructure to make sure things are working. Here are the key types of tests to perform:

  1. Manual testing: Hit URLs by hand, look at log files, and check the metrics. You already know how to do this!

  2. Automated testing: We strongly recommend writing automated tests that (a) deploy your infrastructure into an AWS account dedicated for testing, (b) check the infrastructure works as expected, and (c) tears the infrastructure back down at the end of the test. You can use the Terratest library to write these tests.

  3. Load testing: You should make sure your code performs well under the kind of loads you expect in production. Use tools such as Apache Bench, JMeter to throw traffic at your infrastructure and when things fall over, make sure your monitoring and alerting can help you find the bottlenecks! Load testing across several different EC2 Instance Types can also be a good way to find the sweet spot between price and performance (see How Netflix Tunes EC2 Instances for Performance).

  4. Security testing: Bring in an outside firm to pen test and audit your code to look for security vulnerabilities. Gruntwork customers have done this several times with the Reference Architecture already, and we've fixed all issues that were found, but if you find any new vulnerabilities, please report them to!

Switch over DNS

The Reference Architecture is typically deployed with "placeholder" domain names (e.g., to make testing easy and safe. Once your apps start passing tests, you can switch over your real domain names to point to the Reference Architecture as follows:

  1. We recommend managing all DNS entries using Route 53. If you bought your production domain name using some other registrar, you can either configure Route 53 as the DNS Service for your existing domain name or transfer the domain name entirely to Route 53.

  2. If you have multiple AWS accounts (e.g., dev, stage, prod), we recommend that each one use its own, completely separate domain names (e.g.,,, etc.). This reduces the chances of accidental errors (e.g., breaking prod DNS entries while trying to make changes to stage) and makes it harder for attackers to do damage (e.g., using cookies from pre-prod environment in a prod environment).

  3. Before switching the domain names on your apps, make to use AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) to request TLS certificates for your prod domain names and associate those certificates with your Load Balancers and CloudFront distributions. ACM is a great choice for TLS certificates, because they are (a) free and (b) issue in 1-2 minutes for domain names you own in Route 53, and (c) renew automatically!

  4. To switch over your ALBs or ECS services to use different domain names, simply update the domain_name variables in the corresponding terragrunt.hcl.

Next steps

Now that you know how to migrate to the Reference Architecture, the next thing to learn is how to deploy the Reference Architecture from scratch.

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