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ECS Service

ECS Service

Deploy an ECS service with zero-downtime, rolling deployment, IAM Role, auto scaling, and more.

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What is an ECS Service?

To run Docker containers with ECS, you first define an ECS Task, which is a JSON file that describes what container(s) to run, the resources (memory, CPU) those containers need, the volumes to mount, the environment variables to set, and so on. To actually run an ECS Task, you define an ECS Service, which can:

  1. Deploy the requested number of Tasks across an ECS cluster based on the desired_number_of_tasks input variable.
  2. Restart tasks if they fail.
  3. Route traffic across the tasks with an optional Elastic Load Balancer (ELB).

What is ECS Service Discovery?

Many services are not guaranteed to have the same IP address through their lifespan. They can, for example, be dynamically assigned to run on different hosts, be redeployed after a failure recovery or scale in and out. This makes it complex for services to send traffic to each other.

Service discovery is the action of detecting and addressing these services, allowing them to be found. Some of the ways of doing service discovery are, for example, hardcoding IP addresses, using a Load Balancer or using specialized tools.

ECS Service Discovery is an AWS feature that allows you to reach your ECS services through a hostname managed by Route53. This hostname will consist of a service discovery name and a namespace (private or public), in the shape of discovery-name.namespace:port. For example, on our namespace, we can have a service with the discovery name my-test-webapp running on port 3000. This means that we can dig or curl this service at For more information see the related concepts section.

There are many advantages of using ECS Service Discovery instead of reaching it through a Load Balancer, for example:

  • Direct communication with the container run by your service
  • Lower latency, if using AWS internal network and private namespace
  • You can do service-to-service authentication
  • Not having a Load Balancer also means fewer resources to manage
  • You can configure a Health Check and associate it with all records within a namespace
  • You can make a logical group of services under one namespace

Under the hood, the ECS Service Discovery system uses Amazon Route 53 Auto Naming Service. This service automates the process of:

  • Creating a public or private namespace within a new or existing hosted zone
  • Providing a service with the DNS Records configuration and optional health checks

The latter will be used in the Service Registry of your ECS Service Discovery, and it is the only type of service currently supported for this.

Important considerations:

  • Public namespaces are accessible on the internet and need the domain to be registered already
  • Private namespaces are accessible only within your VPC and can be queried immediately
  • For cleaning up, deregistering the instances from the auto naming service will trigger an automatic deletion of resources in AWS. However, the namespaces themselves are not deleted. Namespaces must be deleted manually and that is only allowed once all services in that namespace no longer exist.

For more information on Route 53 Auto Naming Service, please see the AWS documentation on Using Auto Naming for Service Discovery.


How do you create an ECS cluster?

To use ECS, you first deploy one or more EC2 Instances into a "cluster". See the ecs-cluster module for how to create a cluster.

How do ECS Services deploy new versions of containers?

When you update an ECS Task (e.g. change the version number of a Docker container to deploy), ECS will roll out the change automatically across your cluster according to two input variables:

  • deployment_maximum_percent: This variable controls the maximum number of copies of your ECS Task, as a percentage of desired_number_of_tasks, that can be deployed during an update. For example, if you have 4 Tasks running at version 1, deployment_maximum_percent is set to 200, and you kick off a deployment of version 2 of your Task, ECS will first deploy 4 Tasks at version 2, wait for them to come up, and then it'll undeploy the 4 Tasks at version 1. Note that this only works if your ECS cluster has capacity--that is, EC2 instances with the available memory, CPU, ports, etc requested by your Tasks, which might mean maintaining several empty EC2 instances just for deployment.
  • deployment_minimum_healthy_percent: This variable controls the minimum number of copies of your ECS Task, as a percentage of desired_number_of_tasks, that must stay running during an update. For example, if you have 4 Tasks running at version 1, you set deployment_minimum_healthy_percent to 50, and you kick off a deployment of version 2 of your Task, ECS will first undeploy 2 Tasks at version 1, then deploy 2 Tasks at version 2 in their place, and then repeat the process again with the remaining 2 tasks. This allows you to roll out new versions without having to keep spare EC2 instances, but it also means the availability of your service is somewhat reduced during rollouts.

How do I do a canary deployment?

A canary deployment is a way to test new versions of your Docker containers in a way that limits the damage any bugs could do. The idea is to deploy the new version onto just a single server (meanwhile, the old versions are running elsewhere) and to test that new version and compare it to the old versions. If everything is working well, you roll out the new version everywhere. If there are any problems, they only affect a small percentage of users, and you can quickly fix them by rolling back the new version.

To do a canary deployment with this module, you need to specify two parameters:

  • ecs_task_definition_canary: The JSON text of the ECS Task Definition to be run for the canary. This defines the Docker container(s) to be run along with all their properties.
  • desired_number_of_canary_tasks_to_run: The number of ECS Tasks to run for the canary. You should typically set this to 1.

Here's an example that has 10 versions of the original ECS Task running and adds 1 Task to try out a canary:

module "ecs_service" {
  ecs_task_container_definitions = local.container_definition
  desired_number_of_tasks        = 10

  ecs_task_definition_canary            = local.canary_container_definition
  desired_number_of_canary_tasks_to_run = 1

  # (... all other params omitted ...)

If this canary has any issues, set desired_number_of_canary_tasks_to_run to 0. If the canary works well and you want to deploy the new version across the whole cluster, update local.container_definition with the new version of the Docker container and set desired_number_of_canary_tasks_to_run back to 0.

How does canary deployment work?

The way we do canary deployments with this module is to create a second ECS Service just for the canary that runs desired_number_of_canary_tasks_to_run instances of your canary ECS Task. This ECS Service registers with the same ELB or service registry (if you're using one), so some percentage of user requests will randomly hit the canary, and the rest will go to the original ECS Tasks. For example, if you had 9 ECS Tasks and you deployed 1 canary ECS Task, then each request would have a 90% chance of hitting the original version of your Docker container and a 10% chance of hitting the canary version.

Therefore, there are two caveats with using canary deployments:

  1. Do not do canary deployments with user-visible changes. For example, if your Docker container is a frontend service and the new Docker image version changes the UI, then a user may see a different version of the UI every time they refresh the page, which could be a jarring experience. You can still use canary deployments with frontend Docker containers so long as you wrap UI changes in feature toggles and don't enable those toggles until the new version is rolled out across the entire cluster (i.e. this is known as a dark launch).
  2. Ensure the new version of your Docker container is backwards compatible with the old version. For example, if the Docker container runs schema migrations when it boots, make sure the new schema works correctly with the old version of the Docker container, since both will be running simultaneously. Backwards compatibility is always a good idea with deployments, but it becomes a hard requirement with canary deployments.

How do you add additional IAM policies to the ECS Service?

This module creates an IAM Role for the ECS Tasks run by the ECS Service. Any custom IAM Policies needed by this ECS Service should be attached to that IAM Role.

To do this in Terraform, you can use the aws_iam_role_policy or aws_iam_policy_attachment resources, and set the role property to the Terraform output of this module called ecs_task_iam_role_name. For example, here is how you can allow the ECS Service in this cluster to access an S3 bucket:

module "ecs_service" {
  # (arguments omitted)

resource "aws_iam_role_policy" "access_s3_bucket" {
    name   = "access_s3_bucket"
    role   = module.ecs_service.ecs_task_iam_role_name
    policy = data.aws_iam_policy_document.access_s3_bucket.json

data "aws_iam_policy_document" "access_s3_bucket" {
  statement {
    effect = "Allow"
    actions = ["s3:GetObject"]
    resources = ["arn:aws:s3:::examplebucket/*"]

How do I use Fargate?

A Fargate ECS service automatically manages and scales your cluster as needed without you needing to manage the underlying EC2 instances or clusters. Fargate lets you focus on designing and building your applications instead of managing the infrastructure that runs them, with Fargate, all you have to do is package your application in containers, specify the CPU and memory requirements, define networking and IAM policies, and launch the application.

To deploy your ECS service using Fargate, you need to set the following inputs:

  • launch_type should be set to FARGATE.
  • Fargate currently only works with the awsvpc network mode. This means that you need to set ecs_task_definition_network_mode to "awsvpc" and configure the service network using ecs_service_network_configuration.
  • You must specify task_cpu and task_memory. See the official documentation for information on how to configure this.

How do you scale an ECS Service?

To scale an ECS service in response to higher load, you have two options:

  1. Scale the number of ECS Tasks: To do this, you first create one or more aws_appautoscaling_policy resources that define how to scale the number of ECS Tasks up or down. These should be associated with the aws_appautoscaling_target that is created by this module (output service_app_autoscaling_target_arn). Finally, you create one or more aws_cloudwatch_metric_alarm resources that trigger your aws_appautoscaling_policy resources when certain metrics cross specific thresholds (e.g. when CPU usage is over 90%).
  2. Scale the number of ECS Instances and Tasks: If your ECS Cluster doesn't have enough spare capacity, then not only will you have to scale the number of ECS Tasks as described above, but you'll also have to increase the size of the cluster by scaling the number of ECS Instances. To do that, you create one or more aws_autoscaling_policy resources with the autoscaling_group_name parameter set to the ecs_cluster_asg_name output of the ecs-cluster module. Next, you create one or more aws_cloudwatch_metric_alarm resources that trigger your aws_autoscaling_policy resources when certain metrics cross specific thresholds (e.g. when CPU usage is over 90%).

See the docker-service-with-autoscaling example for sample code.

How do I associate the ECS Service with a CLB?

To associate the ECS service with an existing CLB, you need to first ensure the CLB exists. Then, you need to pass in the following inputs to the module:

  • clb_name should be set to the name of the CLB. This ensures the ECS service will register against the correct CLB.
  • clb_container_name and clb_container_port should be set to the name of the container (as defined in the task container definition json) and port of the container. This ensures the CLB routes to the correct container if an ECS task has multiple containers.

How do I associate the ECS Service with an ALB or NLB?

In AWS, to create an ECS Service with an ALB or NLB, we need the following resources:

  • ALB or NLB

    • ALB/NLB itself: This is the load balancer that receives inbound requests and routes them to our ECS Service.
    • Load Balancer Listener: An ALB/NLB will only listen for incoming traffic on ports for which there is a Load Balancer Listener defined. For example, if you want the ALB/NLB to accept traffic on port 80, you must define an Listener for port 80.
    • ALB Listener Rule (only for ALB): Once an ALB Listener receives traffic, which Target Group (Docker containers) should it route the requests to? We must define ALB Listener Rules that route inbound requests based on either their hostname (e.g. vs, their path (e.g. /foo vs. /bar), or both. Note that for NLBs, there is only one target so this should be set directly on the listener.
    • Target Group: The ALB Listener Rule (or LB Listener for NLB) routes requests by determining a "Target Group". It then picks one of the Targets in the Target Group (typically, a Docker container or EC2 Instance) as the final destination for the request.
  • ECS Cluster

  • ECS Service

    • ECS Task Definition: To define which Docker image we want to run, how much memory/CPU to allocate it, which docker run commmand to use, environment variables, and every other aspect of the Docker container configuration, we create an "ECS Task Definition". The idea behind the name is that an ECS Cluster could, in theory, run many types of tasks, and Docker is just one such type. Therefore, rather than calling tasks "Docker containers", Amazon uses the name "ECS Task".
    • ECS Service itself: When we want to run multiple ECS Tasks as part of a single service (i.e. run multiple Docker containers as part of a single service), enable auto-restart if a container fails, and enable the ELB to automatically discover newly launched ECS Tasks, we create an "ECS Service".

To clarify the relationship between these entities:

When creating your ALB/NLB, ECS Cluster, and ECS Service for the first time:

  • First create your ALB/NLB (see module alb for ALBs and the aws_lb resource)
  • Then create your ECS Cluster (see module ecs-cluster for EC2 based clusters and aws_ecs_cluster resource for Fargate)
  • Finally, create your ECS Service (this module!)
  • For ALBs, register listener rules to setup routing rules for your service. For NLBs, create the listener so that it routes to the target group of the service using aws_lb_listener resource.

When creating a new ECS Service that uses existing ALBs or NLBs and an existing ECS Cluster, you will need to set the following inputs:

  • If creating the LB and ECS service in the same module, dependencies should include the ALB arn so that the module waits for the LB to be created.
  • elb_target_groups should be set to a map of keys to objects with one mapping per desired target group. The keys in the map can be any arbitrary name and are used to link the outputs with the inputs. The values of the map are an object containing these attributes:
    • If you use alb as the key then you'll reference the ARN of the resulting target group like this module.ecs_service.target_group_arns["alb"]
    • name should be set to a string so that it is not null. This ensures the module creates a target group for the ECS service.
    • container_name and container_port should be set to the name of the container (as defined in the task container definition json) and port of the container. This ensures the CLB routes to the correct container if an ECS task has multiple containers.
    • protocol should be set to match the protocol of the LB (ex: "HTTPS" or "HTTP" for an ALB) so that it is not null.
    • health_check_protocol should be set to match the protocol of the ECS service (ex: "HTTPS" or "HTTP" for a typical web-based service) so that it is not null.
    • load_balancing_algorithm_type should be set to either "round_robin" or "least_outstanding_requests". It is "round_robin" by default.
  • elb_target_group_vpc_id should be set to the VPC where the ALB lives.

Note that:

  • An ECS Cluster may have one or more ECS Services
  • An ECS Service may be associated with zero or one ALBs/NLBs
  • An ALB/NLB may be shared among multiple ECS Services
  • An ALB has zero or more ALB Listeners
  • Each ALB Listener has zero or more ALB Listener Rules
  • Each NLB Listener has zero Listener Rules
  • A Target Group may receive traffic from zero or more ALBs/NLBs

Why doesn't this module create ALB Listener Rules directly?

In the first version of this module, we attempted to hide the creation of ALB Listener Rules from users. Our thought process was that the module's API should simplify as much as possible what was actually happening. But in practice we found that there was more variation than we expected in the different routing rules that customers required, that supporting any new ALB Listener Rule type (e.g. host-based routing) was cumbersome, and that by wrapping so much complexity, we ultimately created more confusion, not less.

For this reason, the intent of this module is now about creating an ECS Service that is ready to be routed to. But to complete the configuration, the Terraform code that calls this module should directly create its own set of Terraform lb_listener_rule resources to meet the specific needs of your ECS Cluster.

How do I setup Service Discovery?

To setup ECS Service Discovery using this module, you need to first create a Service Discovery DNS Namespace (Private or Public) that the Service Discovery feature can use to manage DNS records for the ECS Service. You can use the aws_service_discovery_private_dns_namespace resource (for private DNS namespaces) and the aws_service_discovery_public_dns_namespace resource (for public DNS namespaces).

Once the namespace is created, you need to pass in the following inputs to the module:

  • Service Discovery currently only works with the awsvpc network mode. This means that you need to set ecs_task_definition_network_mode to "awsvpc" and configure the service network using ecs_service_network_configuration.
  • use_service_discovery should be set to true. This ensures the module will connect the ECS service with the provided registry information.
  • discovery_namespace_id should be set to the ID of the DNS namespace.
  • discovery_name should be set to the string you wish to use as the DNS subdomain.

Additionally, for public DNS namespaces, you will also need to provide the ID of the Route 53 Hosted Zone that is associated with the registrar for the domain. When you create a public DNS namespace, it createss a new Hosted Zone that is not associated with the registrar. This means that DNS calls outside of the VPC will not actually resolve to the ECS service. To allow the ECS service DNS queries to resolve, we need to create an alias record on the Hosted Zone that is associated with the registrar to route to the namespace DNS record. This module will create this record for you if you provide the following inputs:

  • discovery_use_public_dns should be set to true.
  • discovery_original_public_route53_zone_id should be set to the ID of the Route 53 Hosted Zone that is associated with the registrar.
  • discovery_public_dns_namespace_route53_zone_id should be set to the ID of the Hosted Zone that is associated with the DNS namespace.

How do I set up App Mesh?

To set up App Mesh using this module, you must first create a mesh, a virtual service, and a virtual node or virtual router. Creation of these resources is documented in AWS App Mesh Getting Started documentation. Terraform modules are available for all App Mesh resources.

With those resources set up, the Envoy container can be added to container_definitions.

container_definitions = [
    name        = "envoy_proxy",
    image       = "",
    essential   = true,
    environment = [{
      name  = "APPMESH_RESOURCE_ARN",
      value = "arn:aws:appmesh:us-west-2:111122223333:mesh/apps/virtualNode/serviceB"
    healthCheck = {
      command = [
        "curl -s http://localhost:9901/server_info | grep state | grep -q LIVE"
      startPeriod = 10,
      interval    = 5,
      timeout     = 2,
      retries     = 3
    user        = "1337"
    # App container
    # ...
    dependsOn = [{
      containerName = "envoy_proxy"
      condition     = "HEALTHY"

The proxy_configuration variable needs to be configured as follows:

proxy_configuration = {
  type           = "APPMESH"
  container_name = "envoy_proxy"
  properties = {
    AppPorts         = "8080"
    EgressIgnoredIPs = ","
    IgnoredUID       = "1337"
    ProxyEgressPort  = 15001
    ProxyIngressPort = 15000

See the AWS documentation for container and proxy configurations. See the "Task definition json" section for more information.

Known Issues

Switching the value of var.use_auto_scaling

If you switch var.use_auto_scaling from true to false or vice versa, Terraform will attempt to destroy and re-create the aws_ecs_service which has a chain of dependencies that eventually lead to destroying and re-creating the ECS Service, which will lead to downtime. This is because we conditionally create Terraform resources depending on the value ofvar.use_auto_scaling, and Terraform can't fully incorporate this concept into its dependency graph.

Fortunately, there's a workaround using manual state manipulation. We'll tell Terraform that the old resource is now the new one as follows.

# If you are changing var.use_auto_scaling from TRUE to FALSE:
terraform state mv module.ecs_service.aws_ecs_service.service_with_auto_scaling module.ecs_service.aws_ecs_service.service_without_auto_scaling

# If you are changing var.use_auto_scaling from FALSE to TRUE:
terraform state mv module.ecs_service.aws_ecs_service.service_without_auto_scaling module.ecs_service.aws_ecs_service.service_with_auto_scaling

Now run terragrunt plan to confirm that Terraform will only make modifications.

Gotchas with Service Discovery

  • The ECS Service Discovery feature is not yet available in all regions. For a list of regions where this feature is enabled, please see the AWS ECS Service Discovery documentation.
  • The discovery name is not necessarily the same as the name of your service. You can have a different name by which you want to discover your service.
  • You can enable ECS Service Discovery only during the creation of your ECS service, not when updating it.
  • The network mode of the task definition affects the behavior and configuration of ECS Service Discovery DNS Records.
    • Service discovery with SRV DNS records are not yet supported by this module. This means that tasks defined with with host or bridge network modes that can only be used with this type of record are also not supported.
    • For enabling service discovery, this module uses the awsvpc network mode. AWS will attach an Elastic Network Interface to your task, so you have to be aware that EC2 instance types have a limit of how many ENIs can be attached to them.
  • For service discovery with public DNS: The hostname is public (e.g., but it still points to a private IP address. Querying a public hostname that points to a private IP address might sometimes yield in empty results and you might be required to force reading from a specific nameserver (such as an amazon name server like or google's public nameserver), for example: dig +short @
  • In the aws_lb_target_group, the port = 80 field is merely a placeholder. The actual port is determined dynamically when a container launches, but the resource requires a value. The port = 80 argument can be safely ignored.

ECS clusters

See the ecs-cluster module.

ECS services and tasks

See the ecs-service module.

Route 53 Auto Naming Service

Amazon Route 53 auto naming service automates the process of:

  • Creating a public or private namespace within a new or existing hosted zone
  • Providing a service with the DNS Records configuration and optional health checks

The latter will be used in the Service Registry of your ECS Service Discovery, and it is the only type of service currently supported for this.

Important considerations:

  • Public namespaces are accessible on the internet and need the domain to be registered already
  • Private namespaces are accessible only within your VPC and can be queried immediately
  • For cleaning up, deregistering the instances from the auto naming service will trigger an automatic deletion of resources in AWS. However, the namespaces themselves are not deleted. Namespaces must be deleted manually and that is only allowed once all services in that namespace no longer exist.

For more information on Route 53 Auto Naming Service, please see the AWS documentation on Using Auto Naming for Service Discovery.

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