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Tiller / Helm

Tiller / Helm

Deploy Tiller (Helm Server) to your Kubernetes cluster as a service/package manager. Supports namespaces, service accounts, RBAC roles, and TLS.

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K8S Tiller (Helm Server) Module

This Terraform Module can be used to declaratively deploy and manage multiple Tiller (the server component of Helm) deployments in a single Kubernetes cluster. Unlike the defaults installed by the helm client, the deployed Tiller instances:

  • Use Kubernetes Secrets instead of ConfigMaps for storing release information.
  • Enable TLS verification and authentication.
  • Only listens on localhost within the container.

Note: Please be advised that there are plans by the Helm community to deprecate and remove Tiller starting Helm v3. This repository will be updated with migration instructions to help smooth out the upgrade when Helm v3 lands.

How do you use this module?

What is Tiller?

Tiller is a component of Helm that runs inside the Kubernetes cluster. Tiller is what provides the functionality to apply the Kubernetes resource descriptions to the Kubernetes cluster. When you install a release, the helm client essentially packages up the values and charts as a release, which is submitted to Tiller. Tiller will then generate Kubernetes YAML files from the packaged release, and then apply the generated Kubernetes YAML file from the charts on the cluster.

You can read more about Helm, Tiller, and their security model in our Helm guide.

This module ensures all the security features provided by Helm are employed by:

  • Forcing a named ServiceAccount and avoiding defaults.
  • Enabling TLS verification features

What ServiceAccount should I use for Tiller?

This module requires a ServiceAccount to use for Tiller, specified by the tiller_service_account_name and tiller_service_account_token_secret_name input variables. Tiller relies on ServiceAccounts and the associated RBAC roles to properly restrict what Helm Charts can do. The RBAC system in Kubernetes allows the operator to define fine grained permissions on what an individual or system can do in the cluster. By using RBAC, you can restrict Tiller installs to only manage resources in particular namespaces, or even restrict what resources Tiller can manage.

The specific roles to use for Tiller depends on your infrastructure needs. At a minimum, Tiller needs enough permissions to manage its own metadata, and permissions to deploy resources in the target Namespace. We provide minimal permission sets that you can use in the k8s-namespace-roles module. You can associate the rbac_tiller_metadata_access_role and rbac_tiller_resource_access_role roles created by the module to the Tiller ServiceAccount to grant those permissions. For example, the following terraform code will create these roles in the kube-system Namespace and attach it to a new ServiceAccount that you can then use in this module:

module "namespace_roles" {
  source = "git::"

  namespace    = "kube-system"

module "tiller_service_account" {
  source = "git::"

  name           = "tiller"
  namespace      = "kube-system"
  num_rbac_roles = 2

  rbac_roles = [
      name      = "${module.namespace_roles.rbac_tiller_metadata_access_role}"
      namespace = "kube-system"
      name      = "${module.namespace_roles.rbac_tiller_resource_access_role}"
      namespace = "kube-system"

This will create the default roles in the kube-system Namespace. Then, it will create a new ServiceAccount names tiller in the kube-system Namespace, bound to the metadata access role and resource access role of the kube-system Namespace. This allows the tiller ServiceAccount to manage it's state in Kubernetes Secrets in the kube-system Namespace, and deploy resources in there.

TLS authentication and verification

This module installs Tiller with TLS verification turned on. If you are unfamiliar with TLS/SSL, we recommend reading this background document describing how it works before continuing.

With this feature, Tiller will validate client side TLS certificates provided as part of the API call to ensure the client has access. Likewise, the client will also validate the TLS certificates provided by Tiller. In this way, both the client and the server can trust each other as authorized entities.

To achieve this, we will need to generate a Certificate Authority (CA) that can be used to issue and validate certificates. This CA will be shared between the server and the client to validate each others' certificates.

Then, using the generated CA, we will issue at least two sets of signed certificates:

  • A certificate for Tiller that identifies it.
  • A certificate for the Helm client that identifies it.

We recommend that you issue a certificate for each unique helm client (and therefore each user of helm). This makes it easier to manage access for team changes (e.g when someone leaves the team), as well as compliance requirements (e.g access logs that uniquely identifies individuals).

Finally, both Tiller and the Helm client need to be setup to utilize the issued certificates.

To summarize, assuming a single client, in this model we have three sets of TLS key pairs in play:

  • Key pair for the CA to issue new certificate key pairs.
  • Key pair to identify Tiller.
  • Key pair to identify the client.

This module supports three ways to setup the CA and server side TLS certificates for Tiller:

Summary of differences:

Method Amount of Control Terraform Features Secrets in Terraform State External Dependencies
Direct Full control N/A Only references Yes (TLS certs must be generated externally)
Provider Limited control Full support All Secrets are stored in Terraform State No
Kubergrunt Limited control Limited support Only references Yes (kubergrunt binary)

Directly passing in TLS certs

This method of configuring the TLS certs requires that the TLS certs have already been generated. To use this method, set tiller_tls_gen_method to "none".

Tiller expects to mount the TLS keys from a Secret resource. To directly pass in to Tiller, you must first upload the TLS certificate key pair with the CA public certificate into a Secret resource in the Namespace where you intend on deploying Tiller. Then, you can pass in the name of the Secret as the tiller_tls_secret_name variable to this module to deploy Tiller with that Secret mounted. You can configure what keys to read the certificate key pairs from using the tiller_tls_key_file_name, tiller_tls_cert_file_name, and tiller_tls_cacert_file_name variables for the private key, public certificate, and CA public certificate files respectively.

Generating with tls provider

WARNING: The private keys generated using this method will be stored unencrypted in your Terraform state file. If you are sensitive to storing secrets in your Terraform state file, consider using kubergrunt to generate and manage your TLS certificate. See Generating with kubergrunt for more details.

This method of configuring the TLS certs utilizes the k8s-tiller-tls-certs module to generate the TLS CA, and a signed certificate key pair for Tiller using that CA. To use this method, set tiller_tls_gen_method to "provider".

When this method is set, the module will call out to k8s-tiller-tls-certs to generate TLS certificate key pairs that are then stored as Kubernetes Secrets. Under the hood the k8s-tiller-tls-certs module uses the tls provider to generate the TLS certificates, and the kubernetes provider to manage the Secrets.

The main advantage of this approach is that everything will be managed in Terraform. This means that you have access to the full lifecycle of Terraform, including plan to see drift and destroy to undo your changes.

This method requires specifying the TLS subject info as the tiller_tls_subject input map, which is used to generate the identifying information of the certificate. See for a list of expected keys for this map.

Generating with kubergrunt

WARNING: This method requires the kubergrunt and kubectl binaries to be installed and available. See for installation instructions for kubergrunt, and for installation instructions for kubectl.

NOTE: You must have kubergrunt version >=0.5.8

This method of configuring the TLS certs utilizes kubergrunt to generate the TLS CA, and a signed certificate key pair for Tiller using that CA. To use this method, set tiller_tls_gen_method to "kubergrunt".

When this method is set, the module will call out to kubergrunt to generate the TLS certificate key pairs and store them as Kubernetes Secrets. kubergrunt handles both steps in a single callout, which keeps the TLS certificates from leaking into the Terraform state file. The only thing that is stored in the state is the Kubernetes Secret references, not the contents. However, because this uses null_resources and an external binary, not all features of Terraform are available. For example, you can not rely on plan to see drift if anything changes about the Kubernetes Secret storing the TLS certs.

This method requires specifying the TLS subject info as the tiller_tls_subject input map, which is used to generate the identifying information of the certificate. See for a list of expected keys for this map.

This method also requires configuring authentication to the Kubernetes cluster. Currently kubergrunt only supports either using config contexts, or directly passing in tokens and server info. Note that you can not mix the two methods (e.g you cannot pull the server info from the context and use a passed in token).

Using config contexts is the default authentication method. When no authentication parameters are set, kubergrunt will load the default context from the default config location (typically $HOME/.kube/config). You can control which context to use using the input variable kubectl_config_context_name. You can also specify your config file location using the input variable kubectl_config_path.

If you wish to avoid using the config, you can pass in the server and token info directly. This method is automatically chosen if the kubectl_server_endpoint is provided. Note that kubectl_ca_b64_data and kubectl_token must also be provided for this method.

How do I grant access to other users?

In order to access Tiller, you will typically need to generate additional signed certificates using the generated TLS CA certs. If you used the direct method, you will have to rely on your certificate provider to sign additional client certificates. For ther other two methods, you can take a look at How do you use the generated TLS certs to sign additional certificates for information on how sign additional certificates using the generated TLS CA.

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