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HashiCorp Vault

HashiCorp Vault

Deploy a Vault cluster. Supports automatic bootstrapping, Consul and S3 backends, self-signed TLS certificates, and auto healing.

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Vault Run Script

This folder contains a script for configuring and running Vault on an AWS server. This script has been tested on the following operating systems:

  • Ubuntu 16.04
  • Ubuntu 18.04
  • Amazon Linux 2

There is a good chance it will work on other flavors of Debian, CentOS, and RHEL as well.

Quick start

This script assumes you installed it, plus all of its dependencies (including Vault itself), using the install-vault module. The default install path is /opt/vault/bin, so to start Vault in server mode, you run:

/opt/vault/bin/run-vault --tls-cert-file /opt/vault/tls/vault.crt.pem --tls-key-file /opt/vault/tls/vault.key.pem

This will:

  1. Generate a Vault configuration file called default.hcl in the Vault config dir (default: /opt/vault/config). See Vault configuration for details on what this configuration file will contain and how to override it with your own configuration.

  2. Generate a systemd service file called vault.service in the systemd config dir (default: /etc/systemd/system) with a command that will run Vault: vault server -config=/opt/vault/config.

  3. Tell systemd to load the new configuration file, thereby starting Vault.

We recommend using the run-vault command as part of User Data, so that it executes when the EC2 Instance is first booting. After running run-vault on that initial boot, the systemd configuration will automatically restart Vault if it crashes or the EC2 instance reboots.

Note that systemd logs to its own journal by default. To view the Vault logs, run journalctl -u vault.service. To change the log output location, you can specify the StandardOutput and StandardError options by using the --systemd-stdout and --systemd-stderr options. See the systemd.exec man pages for available options, but note that the file:path option requires systemd version >= 236, which is not provided in the base Ubuntu 16.04 and Amazon Linux 2 images.

See the root example and vault-cluster-private examples for fully-working sample code.

Command line Arguments

The run-vault script accepts the following arguments:

  • --tls-cert-file (required): Specifies the path to the certificate for TLS. To configure the listener to use a CA certificate, concatenate the primary certificate and the CA certificate together. The primary certificate should appear first in the combined file. See How do you handle encryption? for more info.
  • --tls-key-file (required): Specifies the path to the private key for the certificate. See How do you handle encryption? for more info.
  • --port (optional): The port Vault should listen on. Default is 8200.
  • --log-level (optional): The log verbosity to use with Vault. Default is info.
  • --systemd-stdout (optional): The StandardOutput option of the systemd unit. If not specified, it will use systemd's default (journal).
  • --systemd-stderr (optional): The StandardError option of the systemd unit. If not specified, it will use systemd's default (inherit).
  • --cluster-port (optional): The port Vault should listen on for server-to-server communication. Default is --port + 1.
  • --api-addr: The full address to use for Client Redirection when running Vault in HA mode. Defaults to "https://[instance_ip]:8200". Optional.
  • config-dir (optional): The path to the Vault config folder. Default is to take the absolute path of ../config, relative to the run-vault script itself.
  • user (optional): The user to run Vault as. Default is to use the owner of config-dir.
  • skip-vault-config (optional): If this flag is set, don't generate a Vault configuration file. This is useful if you have a custom configuration file and don't want to use any of of the default settings from run-vault.
  • --enable-s3-backend (optional): If this flag is set, an S3 backend will be enabled in addition to the HA Consul backend.
  • --s3-bucket (optional): Specifies the S3 bucket to use to store Vault data. Only used if --enable-s3-backend is set.
  • --s3-bucket-path (optional): Specifies the S3 bucket path to use to store Vault data. Default is "". Only used if --enable-s3-backend is set.
  • --s3-bucket-region (optional): Specifies the AWS region where --s3-bucket lives. Only used if --enable-s3-backend is set.

Optional Arguments for enabling the AWS KMS seal (Vault Enterprise only):

  • --enable-auto-unseal: If this flag is set, enable the AWS KMS Auto-unseal feature. Default is false.
  • --auto-unseal-kms-key-id: The key id of the AWS KMS key to be used for encryption and decryption. Required if --enable-auto-unseal is enabled.
  • --auto-unseal-kms-key-region: The AWS region where the encryption key lives. Required if --enable-auto-unseal is enabled.
  • --auto-unseal-endpoint: The KMS API endpoint to be used to make AWS KMS requests. Optional. Defaults to "". Only used if --enable-auto-unseal is enabled.


/opt/vault/bin/run-vault --tls-cert-file /opt/vault/tls/vault.crt.pem --tls-key-file /opt/vault/tls/vault.key.pem

Or if you want to enable an S3 backend:

/opt/vault/bin/run-vault --tls-cert-file /opt/vault/tls/vault.crt.pem --tls-key-file /opt/vault/tls/vault.key.pem --enable-s3-backend --s3-bucket my-vault-bucket --s3-bucket-region us-east-1

Vault configuration

run-vault generates a configuration file for Vault called default.hcl that tries to figure out reasonable defaults for a Vault cluster in AWS. Check out the Vault Configuration Files documentation for what configuration settings are available.

Default configuration

run-vault sets the following configuration values by default:

  • ui: Set to "ui = true" only when the installed vault version is >=0.10.0.

  • api_addr: Set to https://<PRIVATE_IP>:<PORT> where PRIVATE_IP is the Instance's private IP fetched from Metadata and PORT is the value passed to --port.

  • cluster_addr: Set to https://<PRIVATE_IP>:<CLUSTER_PORT> where PRIVATE_IP is the Instance's private IP fetched from Metadata and CLUSTER_PORT is the value passed to --cluster-port.

  • storage: Configure Consul as the storage backend with the following settings:

    • address: Set the address to This is based on the assumption that the Consul agent is running on the same server.
    • scheme: Set to http since our connection is to a Consul agent running on the same server.
    • path: Set to vault/.
    • service: Set to vault.
  • listener: Configure a TCP listener with the following settings:

    • address: Bind to<PORT> where PORT is the value passed to --port.
    • cluster_address: Bind to<CLUSTER_PORT> where CLUSTER is the value passed to --cluster-port.
    • tls_cert_file: Set to the --tls-cert-file parameter.
    • tls_key_file: Set to the --tls-key-file parameter.

run-vault can optionally set the following configuration values:

  • storage: Set the --enable-s3-backend flag to configure S3 as an additional (non-HA) storage backend with the following settings:

    • bucket: Set to the --s3-bucket parameter.
    • path: Set to the --s3-bucket-path parameter.
    • region: Set to the --s3-bucket-region parameter.

Overriding the configuration

To override the default configuration, simply put your own configuration file in the Vault config folder (default: /opt/vault/config), but with a name that comes later in the alphabet than default.hcl (e.g. my-custom-config.hcl). Vault will load all the .hcl configuration files in the config dir and merge them together in alphabetical order, so that settings in files that come later in the alphabet will override the earlier ones.

For example, to set a custom cluster_name setting, you could create a file called name.hcl with the contents:

cluster_name = "my-custom-name"

If you want to override all the default settings, you can tell run-vault not to generate a default config file at all using the --skip-vault-config flag:

/opt/vault/bin/run-vault --tls-cert-file /opt/vault/tls/vault.crt.pem --tls-key-file /opt/vault/tls/vault.key.pem --skip-vault-config

How do you handle encryption?

Vault uses TLS to encrypt all data in transit. To configure encryption, you must do the following:

  1. Provide TLS certificates
  2. Consul encryption

Provide TLS certificates

When you execute the run-vault script, you need to provide the paths to the public and private keys of a TLS certificate:

/opt/vault/bin/run-vault --tls-cert-file /opt/vault/tls/vault.crt.pem --tls-key-file /opt/vault/tls/vault.key.pem

See the private-tls-cert module for information on how to generate a TLS certificate.

Consul encryption

Since this Vault Module uses Consul as a storage backend (and optionally S3), you may want to enable encryption for your storage too. Note that Vault encrypts any data before sending it to a storage backend, so this isn't strictly necessary, but may be a good extra layer of security.

By default, the Vault server nodes communicate with a local Consul agent running on the same server over (unencrypted) HTTP. However, you can configure those agents to talk to the Consul servers using TLS. Check out the official Consul encryption docs and the Consul AWS Module How do you handle encryption docs for more info.

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