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Deploy CloudFront as a CDN in front of your S3 bucket. Supports cache settings, Route 53 DNS entries, and TLS certs.

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S3 CloudFront Module

This module deploys a CloudFront distribution as a Content Distribution Network (CDN) in front of an S3 bucket. This reduces latency for your users, by caching your static content in servers around the world. It also allows you to use SSL with the static content in an S3 bucket.

See the s3-static-website module for how to deploy static content in an S3 bucket.

Quick Start

Public vs private S3 buckets

This module can work with two types of S3 buckets:

  • Public S3 bucket: You can use this module to deploy CloudFront in front of an S3 bucket that has been configured as a website. This configuration allows you to configure custom routing rules, custom error documents and other useful features for running a static website. The disadvantage is that you have to make your S3 bucket publicly accessible, which means users who know the URL could access the bucket directly, bypassing CloudFront. Despite this minor limitation, we recommend this option for most users, as it provides the best experience for running a website on S3. To use this option, set the s3_bucket_is_public_website parameter to true and set the bucket_website_endpoint parameter to the publicly-accessible endpoint for your S3 website.

  • Private S3 bucket: You can use this module to deploy CloudFront in front of a standard, private S3 bucket. The advantage of this is that users can only access the contents of the S3 bucket by going via CloudFront (they can't access the S3 bucket directly). The disadvantage is that you cannot use any of the S3 website features, such as routing rules and custom error pages. This option is recommended if you have to keep the contents of the S3 bucket secure (see also Serving Private Content through CloudFront). To use this option, set the s3_bucket_is_public_website parameter to false and make sure to configure the IAM permissions for your S3 bucket to allow access from the CloudFront distributions Origin Access Identity, which is accessible via the cloudfront_origin_access_identity_iam_arn output variable.

NOTE: For some reason, the Private S3 bucket option currently ONLY works in us-east1. In all other regions, you get 403: Access Denied errors. We are still investigating why, but for the time being, deploy your entire static website in us-east-1 and things will work fine.

How do I test my website?

This module outputs the domain name of your website using the cloudfront_domain_name output variable.

By default, the domain name will be of the form:


Where ID is a unique ID generated for your CloudFront distribution. For example:

If you set var.create_route53_entry to true, then this module will create a DNS A record in Route 53 for your CloudFront distribution with the domain name in var.domain_name, and you will be able to use that custom domain name to access your bucket instead of the domain.

How do I configure HTTPS (SSL)?

If you are using the default domain name, then you can use it with HTTPS with no extra changes:


If you are using a custom domain name, to use HTTPS, you need to specify the ARN of either an AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) certificate via the acm_certificate_arn parameter or a custom certificate in IAM via the iam_certificate_id parameter. We recommend using ACM certs as they are free, very quick to set up, and best of all, AWS automatically renews them for you.

NOTE: If you set either acm_certificate_arn or iam_certificate_id you must set use_cloudfront_default_certificate to false.

Origin Group Support

This module can also create a CloudFront distribution that uses an Origin Group to serve content. The primary purpose of this is to have secondary bucket(s), which serve as a failover bucket in the event your primary bucket and/or its contents are not accessible.

How To Configure

To use the Origin Group feature, you will need to provide values for the following variables:

  • failover_buckets
  • failover_bucket_website_endpoints (if making a public site)


To create a CloudFront distribution with Terraform, you use the aws_cloudfront_distribution resource. Unfortunately, this resource primarily consists of "inline blocks", which do not work well in Terraform modules, as there is no way to create them dynamically based on the module's inputs.

As a results, the CloudFront distribution in this module is limited to a fixed set of settings that should work for most use cases, but is not particularly flexible. In particular, the limitations are as follows:

  • Only one origin—an S3 bucket—is supported (origin is an inline block). You specify the bucket to use via the bucket_name parameter.

  • Only one set of geo restrictions is supported (geo_restrictions is an inline block). You can optionally specify the restrictions via the geo_restriction_type and geo_locations_list parameters.

  • Only one default cache behavior is supported (cache behaviors is an inline block). You can control the default cache settings using a number of parameters, including cached_methods, default_ttl, min_ttl, max_ttl, and many others (see for the full list).

  • Only two error responses are supported (error responses is an inline block). You can specify the 404 and 500 response paths using the error_document_404 and error_document_500 parameters, respectively.

  • You can not specify specify query string parameters to cache (query_string_cache_keys is an inline block nested in an inline block).

  • custom_header is not yet supported as it consists of inline blocks in an inline block.

  • If configuring an Origin Group, due to an AWS limitation, only "GET", "HEAD", and "OPTIONS" methods are allowed for caching

If you absolutely need some of these features, the only solution available for now is to copy and paste this module into your own codebase, using it as a guide, and adding the tweaks you need.

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