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Apache Kafka and Confluent Tools

Apache Kafka and Confluent Tools

Deploy a cluster of Kafka brokers. Optionally deploy Confluent tools such as Schema Registry, REST Proxy, and Kafka Connect.

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Kafka Cluster

This folder contains a Terraform module for running a cluster of Apache Kafka brokers. Under the hood, the cluster is powered by the server-group module, so it supports attaching ENIs and EBS Volumes, zero-downtime rolling deployment, and auto-recovery of failed nodes.

Quick start

Key considerations for using this module

Here are the key things to take into account when using this module:

Kafka AMI

You specify the AMI to run in the cluster using the ami_id input variable. We recommend creating a Packer template to define the AMI with the following modules installed:

See the kafka-ami example for working sample code.

User Data

When your servers are booting, you need to tell them to start Kafka. The easiest way to do that is to specify a User Data script via the user_data input variable that runs the run-kafka script. See for an example.


Kafka depends on ZooKeeper to work. The easiest way to run ZooKeeper is with package-zookeeper. Check out the kafka-zookeeper-standalone-clusters example for how to run Kafka and ZooKeeper in separate clusters and the kafka-zookeeper-confluent-oss-colocated-cluster example for how to run Kafka and ZooKeeper co-located in the same cluster.


The number and type of servers you need for Kafka depends on your use case and the amount of data you expect to process. Here are a few basic rules of thumb:

  1. Every write to Kafka gets persisted to Kafka's log on disk, so hard drive performance is important. Check out Logs and EBS Volumes for more info.

  2. Most writes to Kafka are initially buffered in memory by the OS. Therefore, you need sufficient memory to buffer active readers and writers. You can do a back-of-the-envelope estimate: e.g., if you want to be able to buffer for 30 seconds, then you need at least write_throughput * 30, where write_throughput is how many MB/s you expect to be written to your Kafka cluster. Using 32GB+ machines for Kafka brokers is common.

  3. Kafka is not particularly CPU intensive, so getting machines with more cores is typically more efficient than machines with higher clock speeds. Note that enabling SSL for Kafka brokers significantly increases CPU usage.

  4. In general r3.xlarge or m4.2xlarge are a good choice for Kafka brokers.

For more info, see:

Logs and EBS Volumes

Every write to a Kafka broker is persisted to disk in Kafka's log. We recommend using a separate EBS Volume to store these logs. This ensures the hard drive used for transaction logs does not have to contend with any other disk operations, which can improve Kafka performance. Moreover, if a Kafka broker is replaced (e.g., during a deployment or after a crash), it can reattach the same EBS Volume and catch up on whatever data it missed much faster than if it has to start from scratch (see Design and Deployment Considerations for Deploying Apache Kafka on AWS).

This module creates an EBS Volume for each Kafka server and gives each (server, EBS Volume) a matching ebs-volume-0 tag. You can use the persistent-ebs-volume module in the User Data of each server to find an EBS Volume with a matching ebs-volume-0 tag and attach it to the server during boot. That way, if a server goes down and is replaced, its replacement reattaches the same EBS Volume.

See for an example.

Health checks

We strongly recommend associating an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) with your Kafka cluster and configuring it to perform TCP health checks on the Kafka broker port (9092 by default). The kafka-cluster module allows you to associate an ELB with Kafka, using the ELB's health checks to perform zero-downtime deployments (i.e., ensuring the previous node is passing health checks before deploying the next one) and to detect when a server is down and needs to be automatically replaced.

Note that we do NOT recommend connecting to Kafka via the ELB. That's because Kafka clients need to connect to specific brokers, depending on which topics and partitions they are using, whereas an ELB will randomly round-robin requests across all brokers.

Check out the kafka-zookeeper-standalone-clusters example for working sample code that includes an ELB.

Rolling deployments

To deploy updates to a Kafka cluster, such as rolling out a new version of the AMI, you need to do the following:

  1. Shut down a Kafka broker on one server.
  2. Deploy the new code on the same server.
  3. Wait for the new code to come up successfully and start passing health checks.
  4. Repeat the process with the remaining servers.

This module can do this process for you automatically by using the server-group module's support for zero-downtime rolling deployment.

Data backup

Kafka's primary mechanism for backing up data is the replication within the cluster. Typically, the only backup you may do beyond that is to create a Kafka consumer that dumps all data into a permanent, reliable store such as S3. This functionality is NOT included with this module.

Connecting to Kafka brokers

Once you've used this module to deploy the Kafka brokers, you'll want to connect to them from Kafka clients (e.g., Kafka consumers and producers in your apps) to read and write data. To do this, you typically need to configure the bootstrap.servers property for your Kafka client with the IP addresses of a few of your Kafka brokers (you don't need all the IPs, as the rest will be discovered automatically via ZooKeeper):


There are two main ways to get the IP addresses of your Kafka brokers:

  1. Find Kafka brokers by tag
  2. Find Kafka brokers using ENIs

Find Kafka brokers by tag

Each Kafka broker deployed using this module will have a tag called ServerGroupName with the value set to the parameter you pass in. You can automatically discover all the servers with this tag and get their IP addresses using either the AWS CLI or AWS SDK.

Here's an example using the AWS CLI:

aws ec2 describe-instances \
  --region <REGION> \
  --filters \
    "Name=instance-state-name,Values=running" \

In the command above, you'll need to replace <REGION> with your AWS region (e.g., us-east-1) and <KAFKA_CLUSTER_NAME> with the name of your Kafka cluster (i.e., the parameter you passed to this module).

The returned data will contain the information about all the Kafka brokers, including their private IP addresses. Extract these IPs, add the Kafka port to each one (default 9092), and put them into a comma-separated list:


Find Kafka brokers using ENIs

An alternative option is to attach an Elastic Network Interface (ENI) to each Kafka broker so that it has a static IP address. You can enable ENIs using the attach_eni parameter:

module "kafka_brokers" {
  source = ""

  cluster_name = "example-kafka-brokers"
  attach_eni   = true
  # (other params omitted)

With ENIs enabled, this module will output the list of private IPs for your brokers in the private_ips output variable. Attach the port number (default 9092) to each of these IPs and pass them on to your Kafka clients:

bootstrap_servers = "${formatlist("%s:9092", module.kafka_brokers.private_ips)}"

The main downside of using ENIs is if you decide to change the size of your Kafka cluster, and therefore the number of ENIs, then Kafka clients that have the old list of ENIs won't be updated until you re-deploy them with a terraform apply. If you increased the size of your cluster, then those older clients may not have access to all the available ENIs, which is typically not a problem, since they are only used for bootstrapping, and you only need a few anyway. However, if you decreased the size of your cluster, then those older clients may be trying to connect to ENIs that are no longer valid.

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