Keep your infrastructure code up to date.

Automatically update your Terragrunt, OpenTofu, and Terraform code. Use our CLI to browse your updates. Fix both non-breaking and breaking changes.

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Take the grunt work out of regular infra updates

Patcher automates the most time consuming and error prone aspects of infrastructure updates, helping you avoid tech debt without all the work.

How it works


Automatically discover dependencies in your code

  • With Patcher

    Run the Patcher CLI to automatically discover dependencies in your code, the versions they are at, and if new versions are available.

  • Without Patcher

    You have to manually scan your code for dependencies, manually track which versions they are at, and manually look up if new versions are available.


Hassle-free updates with step-by-step instructions and automatic patching

  • With Patcher

    Choose the desired module and its corresponding version for an update. Patcher automatically modifies your code, applying necessary patches. You will be guided through any necessary manual changes.

  • Without Patcher

    Update to new versions manually. If the new version is backward incompatible, go searching for a migration guide, and follow the steps to update your code manually.

One workflow for patches aided by automation

Adopt a new best practice workflow to save time and stay up to date.

First-class Terragrunt support

  • Parses Terragrunt HCL and correctly resolves URLs

  • Supports OpenTofu and Terraform

  • Automatically opens Pull Requests on a configurable schedule

Create your own patches

  • Create patches for breaking changes in your own modules

  • Safely roll out breaking changes across your company

Interactive Mode

  • Perform complicated upgrades locally

  • Do upgrades in batches

  • Test patches and upgrades locally

Get up-to-date, then stay up-to-date.

Chat with a DevOps expert to learn more about how Patcher can help your team effortlessly keep its infrastructure up-to-date, and request access to the beta.
