IaC Library
IaC Library

Production-ready IaC modules for AWS

Leverage a catalog of 300+ battle-tested Terraform/OpenTofu modules to set up your AWS foundations, run apps, and store data.

Optimized For:
Trusted by devops teams at

Skip the DIY

All companies share the same fundamental infrastructure needs.

Why waste time building it all from scratch or cobbling together disparate open source modules? We’ve condensed thousands of hours spent building infrastructure on AWS into a collection of IaC modules so you can deploy and manage your infrastructure quickly and reliably.

BuildingsCompanies using our modules
UserDedicated SME maintainers
CheckCirclePRs closed per month

The Gruntwork IaC Library

Thoughtfully opinionated, built for and proven in production at enterprise scale, from the makers of Terragrunt.


Battle-tested AWS infrastructure code

Proven. 300+ best-practice Terraform/OpenTofu modules.

Tested. Every commit is tested extensively and goes through a suite of automated unit and integration tests written with Terratest.

Documented. Every module is thoroughly documented and includes example code.

Browse modules

Secure & compliant

    Security by default. Built with security-first principles, validated with security scanning, and compliant with CIS AWS Foundations Benchmark.
    Security updates. Modules are continually updated so your infrastructure never falls out of compliance.
    Audit-ready. Clear release notes and auditable logs show when updates and fixes happen.

Maintained by Gruntwork

    Actively maintained. SMEs are actively making updates, additions, and fixes to the library.
    Comprehensive coverage. Updates cover the most current best practices on AWS, and the latest Terraform/OpenTofu versions
    Automated updates. Automatically stay updated to the latest releases when you use Gruntwork Patcher.
Developer Self-service

Build your DevOps foundation

Empower your developers with a curated catalog of approved modules they can quickly scaffold and deploy.


Create your catalog

Select and extend. Combine and configure modules to create your own catalog of modules that meets your company's requirements.

Approve modules. Gruntwork’s git repo conventions organize your private module catalog so devs know what’s approved and available for use.

Browse with ease. Devs can browse your catalog — even across repos — using the terragrunt catalog command, and then quickly scaffold code for new instances.

Read the Docs

Deliver developer self-service

List available modules. Quickly search the entire catalog of approved modules with the terragrunt catalog command.

Create templates. Leverage our open source Boilerplate tool to create templates for common module usage patterns.

Generate code. Scaffold code from the modules and tempaltes in your library with the terragrunt scaffold command. Just fill in the required inputs and create a PR!

Read the Docs
What's included

Modules for your Entire Infrastructure

Brand Icon

Landing Zone

Account baselines, Control Tower integration, SSO, IAM, OIDC, GuardDuty, CloudTrail, AWS Config, Macie, and more

Slack Mono


VPC, Transit Gateway, IPAM, DualStack/IPv6 (beta), Application Load Balancer, CloudFront, Route 53, and more

Slack Mono

Data Storage

MySQL, Postgres, Aurora, Redis, Memcached, S3, ECR, EBS, EFS, and more

Slack Mono

App Orchestration

EKS (Kubernetes), Helm, ECS, EC2, Auto Scaling Groups, and more

Slack Mono


Lambda, API Gateway, Fargate, Aurora Serverless, and more

Slack Mono

Search & Analytics

Elasticsearch, MSK (Kafka), SQS, Kinesis, Redshift, and more

Slack Mono


Secrets management, Encryption, Intrusion detection, policy as code

Slack Mono


Metrics, Logs, Dashboards, Alerts, Observability

Slack Mono


Account baselines compliant with the CIS AWS Foundations Benchmark out-of-the-box

The quality that Gruntwork produces and maintains is outstanding. It has proven time and time again to be a huge accelerator bringing companies forward in terms of stability and quality. It also enables closer collaboration across the engineering organization.
Markus Burgur4 time repeat customer
Get started

Try a Proof of Concept

Take it for a spin with a month-to-month contract. Pay less on an annual plan once you’ve proven the value.

Crossed Arms

Part of the Gruntwork DevOps Platform

IaC Library works seamlessly with other Gruntwork products.